Markus Juonala profile picture
Docent, Internal Medicine
Clinical Lecturer, Internal Medicine
Professor, Internal Medicine
Cardiovascular epidemiology, Young Finns Study, i3c consortium


+358 29 450 2754
+358 50 478 3572

Areas of expertise

Internal medicine
cardiovascular risk


Professor Markus Juonala (MD, PhD, University of Turku) is a specialist in internal medicine and endocrinology at the Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland. Since 2001, he has been conducting research on longitudinal studies examining the importance of childhood risk factors on later cardiovascular health. His PhD work was based primarily on the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study (University of Turku, April 2005). Since 2008, he has had a major involvement in the development of the International Childhood Cardiovascular Cohort (i3C) Consortium that combines the efforts of the main longitudinal studies worldwide. In June 2014, he was appointed as Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Turku. In 2014-2015 and 2018-2019 he has been working as the Dame Elisabeth Murdoch Fellow in Murdoch Childrens Research Institute (MCRI). 

His career publications total is 270 (h-index 44) with published highlights including a first-author paper in the New England Journal of Medicine, the first-ranked general medicine journal, one paper in JAMA, the third-ranked general medicine journal and 30 papers (11 as first/last author) published in either the number one, two, or three ranked cardiovascular disease journals (17 in Circulation, five in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, eight in the European Heart Journal). 


Teaching responsibilities: 1) Internal medicine for medical students, 2) Internal medicine specialisation programme for MDs

Special interest areas: Acute internal medicine, endocrinology, lipidology



Professor Juonala’s principal research focus has been to provide novel information on the effects of childhood risk factors on cardiovascular health in adulthood. Beginning from the summer of 2008 he has led a research group within the Young Finns Study and i3c consortium with special interest on cardiometabolic risk factors. The most important findings of his research have provided information on childhood and early adulthood risk factors for atherosclerosis, suggesting that childhood risk factors, such as dyslipidaemia, elevated blood pressure and smoking, predict early atherosclerosis and its progression independent of adult risk factors levels. Concerning cardiometabolic risk factors, his group has been able to show that overweight and metabolic syndrome diagnosed either in childhood or adulthood is predictive of carotid atherosclerosis and its progression in adulthood. However, at the time of obesity epidemic, the most important findings concern the reversibility of cardiovascular risk. His work has demonstrated that although overweight and metabolic syndrome are predictive of early atherosclerosis, favourable changes in lifestyle associated with weight maintenance or reduction improve cardiovascular health.



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CVD risk factors and surrogate markers - Urban-rural differences (2019)

Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Joel Nuotio, Lauri Vähämurto, Katja Pahkala, Costan G. Magnussen, Nina Hutri-Kähönen, Mika Kähönen, Tomi Laitinen, Leena Taittonen, Päivi Tossavainen,Terho Lehtimäki, Eero Jokinen, Jorma S.A. Viikari, Olli Raitakari, Markus Juonala
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Genetic architecture of human plasma lipidome and its link to cardiovascular disease (2019)

Nature Communications
Tabassum R, Ramo JT, Ripatti P, Koskela JT, Kurki M, Karjalainen J, Palta P, Hassan S, Nunez-Fontarnau J, Kiiskinen TTJ, Soderlund S, Matikainen N, Gerl MJ, Surma MA, Klose C, Stitziel NO, Laivuori H, Havulinna AS, Service SK, Salomaa V, Pirinen M, Jauhiainen M, Daly MJ, Freimer NB, Palotie A, Taskinen MR, Simons K, Ripatti S, Jalanko A, Kaprio J, Donner K, Kaunisto M, Mars N, Dada A, Shcherban A, Ganna A, Lehisto A, Kilpelainen E, Brein G, Awaisa G, Harju J, Parr K, Parolo PD, Kajanne R, Lemmela S, Sipila TP, Sipila T, Lyhs U, Llorens V, Niiranen T, Kristiansson K, Mannikko L, Jimenez MG, Perola M, Wong R, Kilpi T, Hiekkalinna T, Jarvensivu E, Kaiharju E, Mattsson H, Laukkanen M, Laiho P, Lahteenmaki S, Sistonen T, Soini S, Ziemann A, Lehtonen A, Lertratanakul A, Georgantas B, Riley-Gillis B, Quarless D, Rahimov F, Heap G, Jacob H, Waring J, Davis JW, Smaoui N, Popovic R, Esmaeeli S, Waring J, Matakidou A, Challis B, Close D, Petrovski S, Karlsson A, Schleutker J, Pulkki K, Virolainen P, Kallio L, Mannermaa A, Heikkinen S, Kosma VM, Chen CY, Runz H, Liu J, Bronson P, John S, Landenpera S, Eaton S, Zhou W, Hendolin M, Tuovila O, Pakkanen R, Maranville J, Usiskin K, Hochfeld M, Plenge R, Yang R, Biswas S, Greenberg S, Laakkonen E, Kononen J, Paloneva J, Kujala U, Kuopio T, Laukkanen J, Kangasniemi E, Savinainen K, Laaksonen R, Arvas M, Ritari J, Partanen J, Hyvarinen K, Wahlfors T, Peterson A, Oh D, Chang D, Teng E, Strauss E, Kerchner G, Chen H, Chen H, Schutzman J, Michon J, Hunkapiller J, McCarthy M, Bowers N, Lu T, Bhangale T, Pulford D, Waterworth D, Kulkarni D, Xu FL, Betts J, Gordillo JE, Hoffman J, Auro K, McCarthy L, Ghosh S, Ehm M, Pitkanen K, Makela T, Loukola A, Joensuu H, Sinisalo J, Eklund K, Aaltonen L, Farkkila M, Carpen O, Kauppi P, Tienari P, Ollila T, Tuomi T, Meretoja T, Pitkaranta A, Turunen J, Hannula-Jouppi K, Pikkarainen S, Seitsonen S, Koskinen M, Palomaki A, Rinne J, Metsarinne K, Elenius K, Pirila L, Koulu L, Voutilainen M, Juonala M, Peltonen S, Aaltonen V, Loboda A, Podgornaia A, Chhibber A, Chu A, Fox C, Diogo D, Holzinger E, Eicher J, Gormley P, Mehta V, Wang XL, Kettunen J, Pylkas K, Kalaoja M, Karjalainen M, Hinttala R, Kaarteenaho R, Vainio S, Mantere T, Remes A, Huhtakangas J, Junttila J, Tasanen K, Huilaja L, Luodonpaa M, Hautala N, Karihtala P, Kauppila S, Harju T, Blomster T, Soininen H, Harvima I, Pihlajamaki J, Kaarniranta K, Pelkonen M, Laakso M, Hiltunen M, Kiviniemi M, Kaipiainen-Seppanen O, Auvinen P, Kalviainen R, Julkunen V, Malarstig A, Hedman A, Marshal C, Whelan C, Lehtonen H, Parkkinen J, Linden K, Kalpala K, Miller M, Bing N, McDonough S, Chen X, Hu XL, Wu Y, Auranen A, Jussila A, Uusitalo-Jarvinen H, Kankaanranta H, Uusitalo H, Peltola J, Kahonen M, Isomaki P, Laitinen T, Salmi T, Muslin A, Wang C, Chatelain C, Xu E, Auge F, Call K, Klinger K, Crohns M, Gossel M, Palin K, Rivas M, Siirtola H, Tabuenca JG
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Utility of Different Blood Pressure Measurement Components in Childhood to Predict Adult Carotid Intima-Media Thickness (2019)

Juha Koskinen, Markus Juonala, Terence Dwyer, Alison Venn, Janina Petkeviciene, Indrė Čeponienė, Lydia Bazzano, Wei Chen, Matthew A. Sabin, Trudy L. Burns, Jorma S.A. Viikari, Jessica G. Woo, Elaine M. Urbina, Ronald Prineas, Nina Hutri-Kähönen, Alan Sinaiko, David R. Jacobs, Jr, Julia Steinberger, Stephen Daniels, Olli Raitakari, Costan G. Magnussen
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Circulating metabolites and the risk of type 2 diabetes: a prospective study of 11,896 young adults from four Finnish cohorts (2019)

Ari V. Ahola-Olli, Linda Mustelin, Maria Kalimeri, Johannes Kettunen, Jari Jokelainen, Juha Auvinen, Katri Puukka, Aki S. Havulinna, Terho Lehtimäki, Mika Kähönen, Markus Juonala, Sirkka Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi, Veikko Salomaa, Markus Perola, Marjo-Riitta Järvelin, Mika Ala-Korpela, Olli Raitakari, Peter Würtz
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