Senior Advisor, Department of Nursing Science


+358 29 450 3175
+358 50 570 9294
Kiinamyllynkatu 10

Areas of expertise

Mental health


Maritta Välimäki is a professor at the University of Turku, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Nursing Science. She has been a member of the Faculty since 1991. She has worked as a professor since 2005. In 2010 she has been appointed as Visiting Professor at the University of London (Social Care at T. George’s, London), and before that an Honorary Research Fellow at Kingston University, London, UK (2004-2006). 

Besides holding appointments at the Universities of Turku and Tampere, she has also given courses, lectures, keynote addresses, conference presentations and seminars around the world.  She has a motivated research group with active students and researchers.


Doctoral courses and seminars, students' supervision.


Her early research focused on patients' perceptions on care, treatment outcomes and ethical issues among vulnerable patient groups and especially patients with mental disorders. Her later research has strengthened its focus on information technology, but has also expanded to include outcome research. Recently she has published articles including a user-driven design related to information technology and RCT studies. She is also working with Cochrane Schizophrenia Group, being a member of the Editorial Board and author of reviews. She has gained specialized knowledge in evidence based practice at the University of Oxford, and mental health economics at Kings College, UK.


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Video games for people with schizophrenia (2021)

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Roberts Matthew T., Lloyd Jack, Välimäki Maritta, Ho Grace W.K., Freemantle Megan, Békefi Anna Zsófia
(Vertaisarvioitu katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A2))

Distance learning in higher education during COVID-19: The role of basic psychological needs and intrinsic motivation for persistence and procrastination–a multi-country study (2021)

Pelikan Elisabeth R., Korlat Selma, Reiter Julia, Holzer Julia, Mayerhofer Martin, Schober Barbara, Spiel Christiane, HamzallariOriola, Uka Ana, Chen Jiarui, Välimäki, Maritta, Puharić Zrinka, Anusionwu Kelechi Evans, Okocha Angela Nkem, Zabrodskaja Anastassia, Salmela-Aro Katariina, Käser Udo, Schultze-Krumbholz Anja, Wachs Sebastian, Friðriksson Finnur, Gunnþórsdóttir Hermína, Höller Yvonne, Aoyama Ikuko, Ieshima Akihiko, Toda Yuichi, Konjufca Jon, Llullaku Njomza, Gedutienė Reda, Axisa Glorianne Borg, Bundalevska Irena Avirovic, Keskinova Angelka, Radulovic Makedonka, Lewandowska-Walter Aleksandra, MichałekKwiecień Justyna, Plichta Piotr, Pyżalski Jacek, Walter Natalia, Cautisanu Cristina, Voda Ana Iolanda, Gao Shang, Islam Sirajul, Wistrand Kai, Wright Michelle F., Lüftenegger Marko
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))