Marika Österlund profile picture
Doctoral Researcher, Degree Programme in Digital Culture, Landscape and Cultural Heritage


Areas of expertise

museum collections
collection policy
museum ethics
historical fairness


I graduated as a Master of Arts, majoring in Cultural Heritage Studies in 2021 from University of Turku. In my master's thesis I studied the formation of Finnish museum collections and their ethics, and tentatively defined the theory of historical fairness and methodology of two-way ethical construction of museum collections.

Before my PhD studies, I worked in museum industry, where I gained experience and knowledge for example in museum cataloquing and other work in museum collections, as a museum guide and in researching and designing exhibitions.

I work on my doctoral dissertation full time, with a three year grant from Finnish Cultural Foundation.


I’m researching multi-time semiotic meanings in Finnish museum collections, and also create a new theory of historical fairness and method of two-way ethical construction of museum collections. My research problems concentrate on ethics and morality, questions about "Whose history?" and acceptance of past values.


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Lähikuva 2-3/2024 "Sota" (2024)

Haanpää, Riina; Laakkonen, Simo; Mähkä, Rami; Österlund, Marika
(C2 Toimitustyö tieteellisen lehden erikoisnumerolle)

Sotia medioiden välittämänä (2024)

Haanpää, Riina; Laakkonen, Simo; Mähkä, Rami; Österlund, Marika
(B1 Vertaisarvioimaton kirjoitus tieteellisessä lehdessä )