Maria Valoes Fontenele profile picture
Valoes Fontenele
Doctoral Researcher, Laws
My main research topic is trafficking in persons.

Areas of expertise

Human Rights
Humanitarian Law, Criminology, International Criminal Law


I have a law background and have participated in legal research and teaching since the begining of my academic journey, through volunteer participation in research projects and tutoring assignments. My research focus has always been Human Rights, specially issues related to human trafficking, while my tutoring experience was more diverse, with disciplines ranging from civil to tax law.

Seeking a career in academia has always been my ultimate goal in the legal field and I am passionately committed to researching and teaching. I have a Masters in International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law and am currently working as a Doctoral Researcher at the Faculty of Law.


I am particularly interested in teaching in subjects related to International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law.


My doctoral dissertation investigates the phenomenon of opportunistic human trafficking in armed conflitc settings that fall short of the scope of International Humanitarian Law. My goal is to discuss current possibilities for victims to access justice  and assess the adequacy of current available mechanisms to invoke accountability and reparations.