Doctoral Researcher, History and Archaelogy
I’m doing research on early modern (c.17th-19th C.) pottery. The core of the study material comes from a large-scale excavation (2018–2022) of the present-day Market Square in Turku.
Areas of expertise
historical archaeology
post-medieval arcaheology
urban arcaheology
field archaeology
Field archaeologist and pottery researcher who loves to sing in choirs.
I’m doing research on early modern (c.17th- mid-19th C.) pottery. The core of the study material comes from a large-scale excavation (2018–2022) of the present-day Market Square in Turku.
In addition to the ceramic vessels themselves and their use and meaning in the households, the research deals with the people of the area, their wealth and status, and their cultural environment. Also, the use of space within the town plots, and the waste management of the early modern urban society are addressed.
My previous theses have dealt with post-medieval ceramics. I’m also a field archaeologist focused mainly on the large urban excavations in Turku and other towns in Finland.
Late-Medieval Animal Remains in Grave-Like Pits: A Case Study of Rituals in 15th-Century Finland (2023)
Medieval Archaeology
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))
Zooarchaeological evidence of large-scale cattle metapodial processing in the 18th century in the small town of Rauma, Finland (2019)
Post-Medieval Archaeology
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )