Areas of expertise
I am working as an assistant professor in food development at the Food Sciences unit (Department of Life Technologies, UTU). I have completed my PhD in food chemistry in 2016 (UTU) and hold a Title of Docent in food metabolomics. The topic of my PhD thesis was "NMR Metabolomics of Foods – Investigating the Influence of Origin on Sea Buckthorn Berries, Brassica Oilseeds and Honey". During my PhD studies (2014) and post doc phase (2018) I visited the Slupsky lab in University of California - Davis.
- Solu ja energia - käytäntö (ruokapäiväkirja)
- Elintarvikekehityksen perusteet (värit, flavori)
- Elintarviketieteet - teoria (värit, flavori)
- Food Safety and Legislation (process-derived contaminants)
- Food Metabolomics and Multivariate Analysis (NMR metabolomics)
- Laitoksen kv-yhdyshenkilö
My research focuses in varying topics in the field of NMR Metabolomics and Food Sciences.
Human milk metabolomics; Botanical origin, quality and authenticity of honey; Effect of Northern latitudes on food plant phenotypes; Lipidomics; Structural elucidation (NMR)