Lottamari Kähkönen profile picture
Docent, Faculty of Humanities
Art History, Musicology and Media Studies
University Lecturer, Art History, Musicology and Media Studies
FT, dosentti, yliopistonlehtori (PhD, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer)
Trans*Creative: Health, Violence and Environment in Trans Cultural Production


+358 29 450 2971
+358 50 442 6371
Arcanuminkuja 1

Areas of expertise

Transgender Studies
Narrative studies
Queer theory
Affect theories
Feminist pedagogy
Contemporary North American literature
Art Studies


I have worked in several multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary research projects at the School of History, Culture, and Arts Studies and the Department of Philosophy, Contemporary History and Political Science, University of Turku. After earning my Ph.D. in Comparative Literature in 2012, I have worked as a University Teacher in Comparative Literature and held positions as Post-Doctoral Researcher, Senior Researcher, and Senior Lecturer in Gender Studies. 


My teaching has focused on Comparative Literature and Gender studies (basic and intermediate studies, Master Degree Program in Gender Studies, HILMA network for Gender Studies). I have also taught on collaborative multi- and transdisciplinary courses offered at the school of History, Culture, and Arts Studies, North American Studies Program and Sote-Academy (collaborative training platform for social, healtcare, education and teaching services).


My research focuses on gender studies and art studies. My current research interests include relations of gender, embodiment, and affects on cultural production and activism.


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SQS: Trans*teemanumero (2013)

SQS : Journal of Queer Studies in Finland
Lotta Kähkönen, Jan Wickman
(Toimitustyö tieteelliselle lehdelle, kokoomateokselle tai konferenssijulkaisulle (C2))

Räätälöity Hamlet (2013)

Väkevä. Feministinen aikakausilehti.
Lotta Kähkönen
(O2 Muu julkaisu )