Linnea Karlsson profile picture
Professor, Public Health
FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study; Centre for Population Health Research


+358 40 744 5052
Kiinamyllynkatu 10

Areas of expertise

cohort studies
early life stress
prenatal stress
child psychiatry
adolescent psychiatry
gut-brain axish


I did my PhD within the field of psychiatric epidemiology and adolescent depression. During by PhD studies I also was involved in clinical epidemiological studies on adolescent mood disorders. In 2010, we established a birth cohort, the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study, with the main aim of investigating the how early life and prenatal stress shape brain developmental trajectories. I am the co-PI of the highly multidisciplinary Cohort.  My own research activity within the larger cohort is focused on the development of the gut-brain axis and child psychosocial development and the role of diverse prenatal exposures in these processes. My activity as a supervisor is also multidisciplinary as the PhD candidates represent, for example, variety of fields of medicine and psychology. I started in the tenure track position at the Centre for Population Health Research in Jan 2021.


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Maternal psychological distress associates with alterations in resting-state low-frequency fluctuations and distal functional connectivity of the neonate medial prefrontal cortex (2023)

European Journal of Neuroscience
Rajasilta Olli, Häkkinen Suvi, Björnsdotter Malin, Scheinin Noora M, Lehtola Satu J, Saunavaara Jani, Parkkola Riitta, Lähdesmäki Tuire, Karlsson Linnea, Karlsson Hasse, Tuulari Jetro J
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Infants' sex affects neural responses to affective touch in early infancy (2023)

Developmental Psychobiology
Mariani Wigley Isabella L. C., Björnsdotter Malin, Scheinin Noora M., Merisaari Harri, Saunavaara Jani, Parkkola Riitta, Bonichini Sabrina, Montirosso Rosario, Karlsson Linnea, Karlsson Hasse, Tuulari Jetro J.
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))