Lauri Nummenmaa profile picture
Professor, Turku PET Centre
Turku PET Centre


+358 29 450 3003
+358 50 574 7933
Assistentinkatu 7

Areas of expertise



I did my undergraduate studies majoring in psychology at University of Turku, Finland. I defended my PhD on neurocognitive mechanisms of social attention at University of Turku in 2006. After that, I worked as a post-doc at the MRC CBU in Cambridge, UK studying neural mechanisms of face perception in Andy Calder’s group. I returned to Finland in 2008, to work as Academy of Finland junior fellow and subsequently as senior fellow at Turku Pet Center and Aalto University. After a four-year appointment as Assistant professor in cognitive neuroscience at Aalto University, I returned to the University of Turku with my laboratory. Currently I lead the Human Emotion Systems laboratory at Turku PET Centre and Department of Psychology, University of Turku.


Our group focuses on training world-class PhDs, and junior & senior scientists in neuroscience and signal analysis.


Our group studies functional and molecular neural mechanisms of human emotions and social interaction in complex, life-like settings with magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, magneto- and electroencephalography and behavioural techniques. I have written over 100 scientific articles on brain basis of emotions and social cognition, and acquired more than 4M€ grant money for our group. Currently our research is funded by the European Research Council, the Academy of Finland, The Sigrid Juselius Stiftelse, Jane and Aatos Erkko foundation and Signe och And Gyllenberg's stiftelse 


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Reward responses to vicarious feeding depend on body mass index (2025)

Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience
Järvinen, Lili; Santavirta, Severi; Putkinen, Vesa; Karlsson, Henry K.; Seppälä, Kerttu; Sun, Lihua; Hudson, Matthew; Hirvonen, Jussi; Nuutila, Pirjo; Nummenmaa, Lauri
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )

Bodily maps of musical sensations across cultures (2024)

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Putkinen Vesa, Zhou Xinqi, Gan Xianyang, Yang Linyu, Becker Benjamin, Sams Mikko, Nummenmaa Lauri
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )

SGLT2 Inhibitor Dapagliflozin Increases Skeletal Muscle and Brain Fatty Acid Uptake in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes : A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Positron Emission Tomography Study (2024)

Diabetes Care
Latva-Rasku, Aino; Rebelos, Eleni; Tuisku, Jouni; Aarnio, Richard; Bhowmik, Achol; Keskinen, Helmi; Laurila, Sanna; Lahesmaa-Hatting, Minna; Pekkarinen, Laura; Isackson, Henrik; Kirjavainen, Anna K.; Koffert, Jukka; Heurling, Kerstin; Nummenmaa, Lauri; Ferrannini, Ele; Oldgren, Jonas; Oscarsson, Jan; Nuutila, Pirjo
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )