Laura Niemi profile picture
Research Services
D.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm.)
Responsible research; Open Science; Impact; Responsible Assessment of Research and Researcher; Citizen Science; Entrepreneurship; Co-creation of new value


+358 29 450 4722
+358 50 435 9029
Koskenniemenkatu 4

Areas of expertise

Responsible evaluation of a research and a researcher
Open Science
Citizen Science


I currently work as Development Specialist at Research Development Unit and I am inspired to co-create new knowledge at the intersection of science and practice.

My key task is to promote the visibility of the research and researchers, as well as the principles of open science and I am committed to shaping the ways the research is carried out and communicated in the future.


Current teaching responsibilities:

Principles of Marketing (Basic Studies, 3 ects)
I have created this course in online for the Open University of TSE (2020). The key topics of this course are; marketing as a discipline, consumer behavior, strategic marketing management, services and relationship marketing and b2b marketing and networks.

Previous teaching responsibilities:

Startup! -course (Intermediate Studies, 10 ects)
I was a coach/mentor in this course for several years (2018, 2019 and 2020). This course uniquely combines a scientific approach on new venture creation and experimental education. In this course, students are exposed to entrepreneurial thinking and actions while they create, validate and launch new businesses in multidisciplinary teams.

Business models and value creation (Advanced Studies, 6 ects)
I created this online course with my colleague and acted as co-lecturer in it for several years (2016, 2018, 2019 and 2020). This course integrates traditionally separate areas of scholarship (entrepreneurship, marketing and strategic management) in a way that helps students to understand how firms achieve a competitive advantage through creating, delivering and capturing value.

Decision Making Logics and Uncertainty (Advanced Studies, 6 ects)
I acted as co-lecturer in this course for few years (2019 and 2020). This course help students to understand how individuals make judgments and decisions in complex business environments. In this course, students develop their skills in applying different decision making logics in various situations.

Introduction to Entrepreneurial Business (Basic Studies, 3 ects)
I acted as co-lecturer in this course for several years (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018 and 2019). This course highlighted how different organizations generate new business activities, products and services. During this course, business related problems were identified and new business solutions were developed.

Introduction to Entrepreneurship (Basic Studies, 1 ects)
I taught this course for several years (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018 and 2019). This course was available only for students in Master's Degree Programme in Global Innovation Management. The purpose of the course was to gain understanding about entrepreneurial thinking. During this course, students worked to develop a new business idea which was based on their own knowledge or interest.

Yrityselämään! Liiketoiminta ja projektityöskentely -course (Basic Studies, 10 ects)
I was a coach/mentor in this course for several years (2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016). In this course students did a large project work which was given by a local company and which related to the development of that company. I supervised several project works for different companies’ e.g. PerkinElmer, Diacor and Logomo.

Principles of Marketing (Basic Studies, 3 ects)
I taught this course in Open University of TSE for several years (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016). During these years I taught this course both in classroom and at online. The key topics of this course was; marketing as a discipline, consumer behavior, strategic marketing management, services and relationship marketing and b2b marketing and networks.

Principles of Management (Basic Studies, 3 ects)
I acted as co-lecturer in this online course (offered by the Open University of TSE) during academic year 2012-2013. The key topics of this course was; strategic management, change management, human resource management and organization culture.

Career Opportunities in the Translation Industry (Advanced Studies, 5 ects)
I acted as guest lecturer in this course during academic year 2016-2017 and 2017-2018. The topic of my lecture was commercialization, business models and service design.


I began my research career when I was hired into a research project in Entrepreneurship unit of Turku School of Economics. At first, I was involved in TSE’s and University of Vaasa’s joint project called “Valuable, Intangible and Prestigious Service Experiences” (VIPSE) for three years. The focus of this project was the phenomenon of social prestige and the aim of the project was to discover how social prestige could be used to strategically increase a company’s value creation, competitive advantage and growth.

This topic carried me away and I started to consider the possibility to continue with postgraduate studies. In January 2015, when the research project ended, I was granted UTUGS (University of Turku Graduate School) doctoral candidate position and I began working on my dissertation project. During the years 2015-2019 I finalized my doctoral dissertation and postgraduate studies, taught and developed several entrepreneurship courses and was involved in planning, preparing and conducting research projects in the field of entrepreneurship.

My dissertation is available online:

My research focuses on the co-creation of new value and touches upon the intersection of strategic management, entrepreneurship and marketing domains. My interest is to gain novel insights and new understanding about the decision making of the individual actors who participate to the co-creation of new value, the appropriate courses of action leading to the co-creation of new value, and the contexts in which the new value is co-created. Especially the individuals’ sensemaking and judgment in the uncertain and socially constructed business environment is in my focus. I am also interest to understand how AI and robots affects the way new value is co-created and experienced.


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AVOTT-linjausten vaikutuksia yliopistoissa (2023)

Holopainen Mika, Käkelä Tiina, Ikonen Arto, Niemi Laura, Rantasaari Jukka, Rosti Tomi
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Self-evaluation tool for culture of open scholarship services (2022)

Rantasaari Jukka, Ala-Mantila Minna, Hilska-Keinänen Katja, Jauhiainen Ilmari, Juppo Virpi, Kiviluoto Johanna, Koivula Hanna, Kärki Jussi, Laakso Kati, Lehtivuori Heli, Niemi Laura, Nokkala Tiina, Nordling Josefine, Olsbo Pekka, Puuska Hanna-Mari, Päällysaho Seliina, Pölönen Janne, Pylvänäinen Elina, Salminen Nina-Mari, Vuorinen Marjut, Ylönen Irene
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Ala-Mantila Minna, Hilska-Heinänen Katja, Jauhiainen Ilmari, Juppo Virpi, Kiviluoto Johanna, Koivula Hanna, Kärki Jussi, Laakso Kati, Lehtivuori Heli, Niemi Laura, Nokkala Tiina, Nordling Josefine, Olsbo Pekka, Puuska Hanna-Mari, Päällysaho Seliina, Pölönen Janne, Pylvänäinen Elina, Rantasaari Jukka, Salminen Nina-Mari, Vuorinen Marjut, Ylönen Irene
(Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti taikka -selvitys (D4))