Clinical Lecturer, Internal Medicine
Areas of expertise
Internal medicine
Early rheumatoid arthritis
Mobile health
Remote monitoring
I'm a specialist in rheumatology and internal medicine and a physician scientist. I am currently the president of the Finnish Society for Rheumatology (2023–2024). I am actively involved in developing the Finnish Rheumatology Quality register and have been a member of the register working group since 2021. I am currently mentoring two PhD students.
I am clinical lecturer in internal medicine. In addition to teaching clinical internal medicine, I am responsible for undergraduate rheumatology teaching.
My research interests focus broadly on inflammatory rheumatic diseases and their genetic, clinical, epidemiological, and health-economical aspects, including clinical application of machine learning models in rheumatology.
Nivelreuman varhainen hoito vaatii lääkäriltä sitoutumista (2018)
(Artikkeli ammattilehdessä tai kirjoitus ammatillisessa blogissa (D1))
Muista piikittää nivelet eli hoitaa varhaista nivelreumaa aktiivisesti (2018)
(Artikkeli ammattilehdessä tai kirjoitus ammatillisessa blogissa (D1))
High burden of adverse events is associated with reduced remission rates in early rheumatoid arthritis (2018)
Clinical Rheumatology
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))
Three out of four disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug-naive rheumatoid arthritis patients meet 28-joint Disease Activity Score remission at 12months: results from the FIN-ERA cohort (2017)
Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology
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Factors associated with improved outcomes in intensively treated early rheumatoid arthritis (2017)
(Artikkeliväitöskirja (G5))Lääkärin adherenssin vaikutus nivelreuman hoitotuloksiin (2017)
BestPractice Reumataudit
(Artikkeli ammattilehdessä tai kirjoitus ammatillisessa blogissa (D1))
Patient-reported outcomes as predictors of remission in early rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with tight control treat-to-target approach (2017)
Rheumatology International
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Intra-articular glucocorticoid injections should not be neglected in the remission targeted treatment of early rheumatoid arthritis: a post hoc analysis from the NEO-RACo trial (2016)
Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology
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Impact of physicians' adherence to treat-to-target strategy on outcomes in early rheumatoid arthritis in the NEO-RACo trial (2015)
Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology
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Psychiatric (Axis I) and personality (Axis II) disorders in patients with burning mouth syndrome or atypical facial pain (2011)
Scandinavian Journal of Pain
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