Kirsi Vainio-Korhonen profile picture
Professor, History and Archaelogy


+358 29 450 3443
+358 50 329 0676
Arcanuminkuja 1

Areas of expertise

Finnish history
early modern history
gender history
history of midwifery
history of sexwork


Kirsi Vainio-Korhonen is Professor of Finnish history at the University of Turku since 2003. 



Professor Kirsi Vainio-Korhonen has headed or heads four research projects financed by the Academy of Finland: Competition, cooperation and social capital: Structure and change in business 1800–2000; Empowerment and disempowerment in Finland 1550–1980; Midwives – Finnish urban women in service economy 1650-1800; and Making and interpreting Finnish national pasts: role of archives in changing cultural processes. In her own research, she has gathered strong expertise on economic and gender history, female entrepreneurship, handicrafts relations, and household economy.  Her most recent articles are “Women and Professional Ambitions in Northern Europe, c. 1650–1850” (together with Johanna Ilmakunnas and Marjatta Rahikainen) and “Midwives: Birthing Care Professionals in Eighteenth-Century Sweden and Finland”, both in Early Professional Women in Northern Europe, c. 1650–1850" (Routledge 2017) and "From Household Economy to Family Business" (together with Jarna Heinonen) and "Statutory Invisibility: Urban Business Women's Legal and Political Rights" (together with Jarkko Keskinen), both in Women in Business Families from Past to Present (Routledge 2018). She has also published a monograph in Swedish on the eighteenth-century midwifery "De frimodiga: Barnmorskor, födande och kroppslighet på 1700-talet" (SLS 2016). Professor Vainio-Korhonen is also an expert on arhives and digital humanities issues, which are part of her work as a vice president of the Advisory council of the Finland’s National Archives Service.


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Yksilö ja yhteisö (2020)

Johanna Ilmakunnas, Kirsi Vainio-Korhonen
( B2 Vertaisarvioimaton kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa)