Degree Programme in Digital Culture, Landscape and Cultural Heritage
Professor, PhD, LLD
Areas of expertise
Medieval history
ecclesiastical history
history of law
I graduated in general history in 1997, defended my PhD in 2001 and was granted the tile of Docent in 2004, all at the University of Tampere, Finland. In 2012 I finished my doctoral degree in law, and I was appointed as Associated professor (tenure track) at the School of History, Culture and Arts Studies at the University of Turku, and in 2017 my appointment was confirmed as full professor in European and World History in the University of Turku. Since 2021 autumn, I work only part time due to appointment at the University of Bergen.
I supervise masteral students in European and World History (both masteral seminars and gradu-afternoons).
My main research interest concern medieval papacy and ecclesiastical history but also sins, crimes, law and everyday life. Therefore, I have spent over a decade in the Vatican Secret Archives. I have published various books and articles for example about the "papal tribunal of conscience" (the Apostolic Penitentiary) and the highest ecclesiastical tribunal, the Sacra Romana Rota. In addition to institutional history, the papal source material has offered interesting glimpses of everyday life such as the story of the broken thumb of the provost of Turku, Paulus Scheel, or of the illegitimate children of Turku canons. At the moment I am leading a 4-year research project financed by the Academy of Finland, "Strategies of survival: The papal curia and ecclesiastical institutions of
Rome in the Great Western Schism (1378-1417)” (2019-2023).
In addition to the Middle Ages, I have also been studying the inter-war period, more precisely, the papal diplomacy during the pontificates of Benedict XV and Pius IX. My main figure here has been Eugenio Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII), who was papal nuncius in Germany in 1917-29. This interest was part of a research project financed by the Academy of Finland, Religion, Politics, and Nationalism: The Vatican's Foreign Policy and Nationalistic Tensions in Inter-War Europe (2010-2013).
Rome in the Great Western Schism (1378-1417)” (2019-2023).
In addition to the Middle Ages, I have also been studying the inter-war period, more precisely, the papal diplomacy during the pontificates of Benedict XV and Pius IX. My main figure here has been Eugenio Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII), who was papal nuncius in Germany in 1917-29. This interest was part of a research project financed by the Academy of Finland, Religion, Politics, and Nationalism: The Vatican's Foreign Policy and Nationalistic Tensions in Inter-War Europe (2010-2013).
Turun ravintolakulttuurin alku keskiajalla (2024)
(A3 Vertaisarvioitu kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa)Kiltatupia, krouveja ja kahviloita —Turun ravintolaelämän historia 1300–1827 (2024)
(C2 Toimitustyö tieteelliselle kokoomateokselle)Licentia testandi – paavillinen lupa papeille testamentata omaisuuttaan (2023)
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))
Finländare och Finland i Stockholms stads tänkeböcker (2022)
Glossae - Glossa ry:n blogi
(Yleistajuinen artikkeli tai blogikirjoitus (E1))
The materiality of Turku Cathedral's spiritual treasury: indulgence (2022)
Material Religion
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))
Kriisi ja mahdollisuus: verkostoanalyysin näkökulma Bonifatius IX:n kuuriaan lännen suuressa skismassa (2021)
Suomen Kirkkohistoriallisen Seuran Vuosikirja
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))
Keskiajan kirjallinen kulttuuri Turussa – kielet arkeologisissa löydöissä, esineissä ja tekstilähteissä (2021)
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli kokoomateoksessa (A3))Medieval Literacy in Turku: Material and Linguistic Remains from a Multilingual Townscape (2021)
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli kokoomateoksessa (A3))Historia nyt! Turun Historiallisen Yhdistyksen jäsenlehti, numero 4 (2021)
(Toimitustyö yleistajuiselle lehdelle, kokoomateokselle tai konferenssijulkaisulle (E3))Esitelmä: The Murder of Bishop Gotskalk Falkdal, or When the Devil Inspires (2021)
Glossae - Glossa ry:n blogi
(Yleistajuinen artikkeli tai blogikirjoitus (E1))