Areas of expertise
I work currently as a postdoctoral researcher.
I originally studied technics in Oulu University 1988-1993 and work in software business for 18 years. But then curiosity to understand business itself better, not just the technical side of it, took place and I studied management accounting in Turku School of Economics 2011-2023, first in Master level and then as a doctoral student. The topic for my doctoral dissertation was Management challenges in innovation networks. I worked as a project researcher (2015-2019), a grant researcher (2019),a lecturer (2019), and as a doctoral candidate (2020) during my doctoral studies. I also returned back to software business (2020-2024) but I was missing research.
I am interested in research topics like organization networks, project management, decision making, innovations, tensions, digital tranformation. My researchs are usually multidisciplinary and my view point is more or less critical.
Tutkimuksessa minua kiinnostavia aiheita ovat mm. organisaatioverkostot, projektinohjaus, päätöksenteko innovaatiot, jännitteet, digitaalinen transformaatio. Tutkimukseni ovat usein monitieteellisiä ja kriittisiä.