Kimi Kärki profile picture
Docent, School of History, Culture and Arts Studies
Degree Programme in Digital Culture, Landscape and Cultural Heritage
PhD, Docent


Arcanuminkuja 1

Areas of expertise

History of Popular Culture
History of Popular Music, Cultural Interpretation
Cultural Heritage
Science Fiction
Film Music
History Theory


Born in Rauma 1976. Cultural History, University of Turku (also studies in Comparative Religion, and Philosophy): MA 2002, Phil. Lic. 2008, PhD 2014, Adjunct Professor (title of Docent) 2018. Visiting Fellow at Institute of Popular Music, University of Liverpool in 2006, Fulbright Visiting Fellow at Case Western University Center for Popular Music Studies (Cleveland, USA) in 2017. Active musician with more more than 40 releases (bands include Reverend Bizarre, Lord Vicar, Orne, Uhrijuhla, E-Musikgruppe Lux Ohr, and solo albums with name Kimi Kärki).


Courses and lectures on the history of popular culture. 2002-2016: MA thematic seminar on Popular Culture and Material Culture, Cultural History, University of Turku. PhD student seminar on popular culture and media technology (2017-). Please see CV for specific teaching.


Dr Kimi Kärki is Research Fellow at the International Institute for Popular Culture (IIPC) and the project leader in Fasismin lumo ja affektiivinen perintö suomalaisessa kulttuurissa (Fascinating fascism and its affective heritage in Finnish culture, Kone Foundation 2021-2023). Also a member of Talking Machines. Electronic voice and the interpretation of emotions and self-understanding in human-machine communication in 1960–2020 research project (Funded by Kone Foundation, 2018–2022). His Doctoral Thesis was on the cultural history of stadium rock, and media spectacles. He has written articles and edited several books on cultural history, popular music studies, and cultural integration (via Ashgate, Bloomsbury, etc.). Currently he is Web/Publications representative at IASPM Executive Committee, and the secretary of European Popular Culture Association (EPCA). He is based at Department of Cultural History, University of Turku. Homepage:


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Fasismin ja populismin lumo (2024)

Kallioniemi, Kari; Kärki, Kimi; Mustamo, Aila
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