Kati Hanhineva profile picture
Professor, Food Sciences


+358 29 450 4044
+358 50 472 1814

Areas of expertise

food chemistry
food development


I am professor in food development with special focus on Nordic foods and health effects at the University of Turku, Department of Biochemistry, Food Chemistry and Food Development unit since beginning of 2020. Part of my research group is situated at the School of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition at the University of Eastern Finland. Since fall 2019 I am also affiliated as visiting scientist (Marie Curie MoRE2020 Fellow) at the Division of Food and Nutrition Science, Department of Biology and Biological Engineering at the Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. I have the docentship in nutrition and food metabolomics at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Eastern Finland.

I completed PhD in biotechnology at the University of Kuopio 2008. During years 2008-2014 I conducted post-doctoral research at the Department of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition, at the University of Eastern Finland with several research visits to the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. Since 2014 I have been the principal investigator in food and nutritional metabolomics research group and led and participated in several national and EU-funded research projects including Academy Researcher fellowship 2014-2019.


My main research focus is within the biochemistry of foods, especially phytochemical compounds and the effect of food processing such as fermentation on their composition. Likewise, molecular level understanding of the role of nutrition in maintaining good health, and food-microbiota interaction are within the core of my research. The key analytical technology at the different stages of research is the mass-spectrometry based metabolic profiling that I have developed and utilized for various food and nutrition related applications, in particular within projects related to the beneficial health effect of whole grain rich diets.


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Cold-stimulated brown adipose tissue activation is related to changes in serum metabolites relevant to NAD+ metabolism in humans (2023)

Cell Reports
U-Din Mueez, de Mello Vanessa D, Tuomainen Marjo, Raiko Juho, Niemi Tarja, Fromme Tobias, Klåvus Anton, Gautier Nadine, Haimilahti Kimmo, Lehtonen Marko, Kristiansen Karsten, Newman John W, Pietiläinen Kirsi H, Pihlajamäki Jussi, Amri Ez-Zoubir, Klingenspor Martin, Nuutila Pirjo, Pirinen Eija, Hanhineva Kati, Virtanen Kirsi A
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

LongITools: Dynamic longitudinal exposome trajectories in cardiovascular and metabolic noncommunicable diseases (2022)

Environmental Epidemiology
Ronkainen Justiina, Nedelec Rozenn, Atehortua Angelica, Balkhiyarova Zhanna, Cascarano Anna, Ngoc Dang Vien, Elhakeem Ahmed, van Enckevort Esther, Goncalves Soares Ana, Haakma Sido, Halonen Miia, Heil Katharina F., Heiskala Anni, Hyde Eleanor, Jacquemin Bénédicte, Keikkala Elina, Kerckhoffs Jules, Klåvus Anton, Kopinska Joanna A., Lepeule Johanna, Marazzi Francesca, Motoc Irina, Näätänen Mari, Ribbenstedt Anton, Rundblad Amanda, Savolainen Otto, Simonetti Valentina, de Toro Eadie Nina, Tzala Evangelia, Ulrich Anna, Wright Thomas, Zarei Iman, d’Amico Enrico, Belotti Federico, Brunius Carl, Castleton Christopher, Charles Marie-Aline, Gaillard Romy, Hanhineva Kati, Hoek Gerard, Holven Kirsten B., Jaddoe Vincent W. V., Kaakinen Marika A., Kajantie Eero, Kavousi Maryam, Lakka Timo, Matthews Jason, Piano Mortari Andrea, Vääräsmäki Marja, Voortman Trudy, Webster Claire, Zins Marie, Atella Vincenzo, Bulgheroni Maria, Chadeau-Hyam Marc, Conti Gabriella, Evans Jayne, Felix Janine F., Heude Barbara, Järvelin Marjo-Riitta, Kolehmainen Marjukka, Landberg Rikard, Lekadir Karim, Parusso Stefano, Prokopenko Inga, de Rooij Susanne R., Roseboom Tessa, Swertz Morris, Timpson Nicholas, Ulven Stine M., Vermeulen Roel, Juola Teija, Sebert Sylvain; on behalf of the LongITools Project Group
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))