I'm a cultural historian, PhD and postdoctoral researcher at the University of Turku. I have published a monograph dissertation about the early diaries of Kirsti Teräsvuori (1899–1988) as well as articles about the history of life writing and diaries. Currently, I’m working as a postdoctoral researcher in a research project called “A Grove of Stories – Sagalund. Museum of the Home, Environment and Life Narrational Time”.
Responsible teacher for the course "Lähestymistapoja sukupuoleen ja yksilön elämästä kertomiseen" (Approaches to Gender and Life Writings of Individual Lives) at the University of Turku, October 27 – December 8, 2022.
Responsible teacher for the seminar "Muisti ja kerronta" (Memory and Narration) for thesis writers in cultural history, 2017–2020.
Multiple lectures in different courses in 2017–2023.
My research interests include autobiographical sources (such as diaries), biographical research, connections between life and narration, cultural history of life writing, personal history archives, memory studies, history of (mental)illness, history of emotions and gender history. I’m also interested in creative and participatory research methods.