Kaisa Ivaska-Papaioannou profile picture
Docent, Institute of Biomedicine
University Lecturer, Institute of Biomedicine
PhD, Adjunct professor (docent)
Bone and Energy Metabolism, BoneLab Turku


+358 29 450 4622
+358 50 407 6533
Kiinamyllynkatu 10

Areas of expertise

bone cell biology
bone metabolism
bone turnover markers
bone marrow adiposity
cell biology


Senior Lecturer in Cell Biology and Metabolism

Docent in Cell Biology 2012


Cell biology and histology for students in Medicine (first year) and Biomedicine (Bachelor’s Degree Programme). Textbooks Alberts et al. Essential Cell Biology, Young et al. Wheater's Functional Histology.

Laboratory course "Cell and Molecular Biology (laboratory work)" for students in Biomedicine

Laboratory course "Methods in Cell Biology" and for medical students selected for Molecular Medicine Research Track (2-yr programme)

Participating actively in the planning of the curriculum (in particular, first year BSc studies).


Bone and energy metabolism

Our reserach group is interested in the crosstalk between bone cells and energy metabolism.

Bone is not only a structural organ but interacts with other cell types in the bone marrow microenvironment and iwith extra-skeletal cells via secreted hormone-like factors. Our current research focuses on role of these bone-derived hormones, or osteokines, in local and whole body energy metabolism, and the interactions between bone-forming osteoblasts and bone marrow adipocytes in the bone microenvironment. We are also interested in the effects of type 2 diabetes on bone cells and bone metabolism. Our long term goal is to understand how changes in energy metabolism affect bone cells, bone-derived hormones, bone turnover and bone microenvironment. We use cell culture and cell-based methods, in vivo models and patient samples obtained from clinical collaborators.

Group members: Milja Arponen (PhD), Niki Jalava (doctoral researcher), Nicko Widjaja (doctoral researcher), Trine Link (undergraduate student)

Funding: Academy of Finland (2019-24), Laboratoriolääketieteen edistämissäätiö, Turku University Foundation, Diabetes Wellness Finland, Finnish Cultural Foundation

Alumni: Ronja Ojala (MD PhD 2024), Iida Karhu (MSc 2024), Aapo Alhokankare (MSc 2023), Yimeng Chen (MSc 2022), Sana Rais (MSc 2022), Nicko Widjaja (MSc 2021), Tiina Kähkönen (PhD 2019), Milja Arponen (MSc 2016), Anna-Reetta Virta (MSc 2014)


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The effects of acute hyperinsulinemia on bone metabolism (2015)

Endocrine Connections
Ivaska KK, Heliövaara MK, Ebeling P, Bucci M, Huovinen V, Väänänen HK, Nuutila P, Koistinen HA
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))