Doctoral Researcher, Art History, Musicology and Media Studies
Areas of expertise
Musicology, cultural musicology
film music
sound design, Nordic noir
I’m a doctoral researcher in the Juno doctoral programme at the University of Turku, the faculty of humanities. I recieved my master’s degree from the University of Helsinki, where I wrote my master’s thesis on the music and sound design in Finnish mainstream cinema. One reason for my choice of topic was my professional background: I have worked as a composer for many years, writing music especially to audiovisual projects, such as documentary films. In my PhD research I continue along the same lines: my topic is music and sound design in the Nordic audiovisual crime drama also known as Nordic noir (working title: “Killer Sounds: Music and Sound Design in 21st Century Audiovisual Nordic Noir”).
The Sounds of Nordic Noir (2024)
(G5 Artikkeliväitöskirja)The Soundtrack of The Killing, its Orientalist Features, and the Implicit Other (2022)
Music and the Moving Image
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Nordic noir -sarjojen alkutekstijaksojen tyylipiirteistä (2020)
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Nordic noir -televisiosarjan Rikos ääniraidan Lähi-itään viittaavat topokset (2019)
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