Senior Advisor, Public Health
Areas of expertise
Public health
Neighborhood influences on health
Life-course research
Psychosocial stress
Psychosocial work environment
Social Determinants of Health.
My studies focus on work and living environments, psychosocial risks, and behaviors as determinants of health and longevity from a life-course perspective. I have experience in working with large longitudinal datasets and have a strong record of research collaboration both nationally and internationally. My recent research has contributed to the understanding of the effects of social, built and natural neighborhoods on cardiovascular health.
Sleep disturbances as a predictor of cause-specific work disability and return to work (2010)
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Allergic rhinitis alone or with asthma is associated with an increased risk of sickness absences (2010)
Respiratory Medicine
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Overtime work and incident coronary heart disease: the Whitehall II prospective cohort study (2010)
European Heart Journal
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Does depression predict coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease equally well? The Health and Social Support Prospective Cohort Study (2010)
International Journal of Epidemiology
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Do socioeconomic factors shape weight and obesity trajectories over the transition from midlife to old age? Results from the French GAZEL cohort study (2010)
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
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Self-report as an Indicator of Incident Disease (2010)
Annals of Epidemiology
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Locality differences of sickness absence in the context of health and social conditions of the inhabitants (2010)
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
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Employment trajectories and changes in sense of coherence (2010)
European Journal of Public Health
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Does Organizational Justice Protect from Sickness Absence Following a Major Life Event? Finnish Public Sector study (2010)
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
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Childhood adversities, adulthood life events and depression (2010)
Journal of Affective Disorders
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