Juho Joutsa profile picture
Professor, Clinical Neurosciences
MD, PhD, Professor of Neurology


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Areas of expertise

Movement disorders
Brain stimulation


Professor of Neurology, Clinical Neurosciences, University of Turku, 2023-

Chief neurologist, Neurocenter, Turku University Hospital, 2023-

Associate Professor, Neuroimaging, Turku Brain and Mind Center, University of Turku, 2022-2023

Assistant Professor, Neuroimaging, Turku Brain and Mind Center, University of Turku, 2019-2022

Specialist in Neurology, University on Turku, 2020

Postdoctoral Researcher (Academy of Finland) 2016-2019

Research Fellow, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, 2016-2018 

Adjunct Professor, Department of Neurology University of Turku, 2015-

PhD, University of Turku, 2012

MD, University of Turku, 2009


Lead teacher in neurology, M.D. curriculum


Currently, I work as Professor of Neurology at University of Turku and chief neurologist at Turku University Hospital. I lead Brain Stimulation and Neuroimaging laboratory at University of Turku (www.turkubrainlab.fi) and act as the chair of Turku Brain and Mind Center.

My research work focuses on investigating the neurobiological mechanisms of brain disorders and development of new treatment options using neuromodulation techniques. I am interested in a wide spectrum of brain disorders but especially neurological movement disorders and addictions. Our lab uses multimodal approach, combining causal brain lesions, state-of-the-art brain imaging technologies (MRI, PET, SPECT) and neuromodulation techniques (TMS, DBS, MRgFUS). 

10 representative publications:

Honkanen EA, Rönkä J, Pekkonen E, Aaltonen J, Koivu M, Eskola O, Eldebakey H, Volkmann J, Kaasinen V, Reich MM, Joutsa J. GPi-DBS induced brain metabolic activation in cervical dystonia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2023

Joutsa J, Lipsman N, Horn A, Cosgrove GR, Fox MD. The return of the lesion for localization and therapy. Brain 2023;146(8):3146-55.

Schaper F, Nordberg J, Cohen AL, Lin C, Hsu J, Horn A, Ferguson MA, Siddiqi SH, Soussand L, Winkler A, Simo M, Bruna J, Rheims S, Guenot M, Bucci M, Nummenmaa L, Staals J, Colon A, Ackermans L, Bubrick E, Peters J, Wu O, Rost N, Grafman J, Blumenfeld H, Temel Y, Rouhl R, Joutsa J*, Fox MD*. Lesion-related epilepsy maps to a common brain network. JAMA Neurol 2023;80(9):891-902. 

Corp DT, Greenwood C, Morrison-Ham J, Pullinen J, McDowall G, Younger E, Jinnah H, Fox MD, Joutsa J. Clinical and structural findings in patients with lesion-induced dystonia: descriptive and quantitative analysis of all published cases. Neurology 2022;99(18):1957-67.

Joutsa J*, Moussawi K*, Siddiqi S* et al. Brain lesion disrupting addiction map to a common human brain circuit. Nature Medicine 2022;28:1249-55.

Joutsa J*, Shih LC*, Fox MD. Mapping Holmes’ tremor circuit using the human brain connectome. Ann Neurol 2019;86(6):812-20.

Corp DT*, Joutsa J*, Darby RR, Delnooz CCS, van den Warrenburg BPC, Ren J, Batla A, Bhatia KP, Jinnah HA, Liu H, Fox MD. Network localization of cervical dystonia from causal brain lesions. Brain 2019;142(6):1660-74.

Joutsa J, Horn A, Hsu J, Fox MD. Localization of parkinsonism based on focal brain lesions. Brain 2018;141(8):2445-56.​​​​​​​

Joutsa J*, Shih LC*, Horn A, Reich MM, Wu O, Rost N, Fox MD. Identifying therapeutic targets from spontaneous beneficial brain lesions. Ann Neurol. 2018;84(1):153-7. 

Joutsa J, Rinne JO, Hermann B, Karrasch M, Anttinen A, Shinnar S, Sillanpää M. Association between childhood-onset epilepsy and amyloid burden 5 decades later. JAMA Neurology 2017;74(5):583-90.

*Equal contribution


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Mapping migraine to a common brain network (2020)

Burke MJ, Joutsa J, Cohen AL, Soussand L, Cooke D, Burstein R, Fox MD
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Dystonian patofysiologia ja hoito (2020)

Emma A. Honkanen, Jaana Korpela, Seppo Kaakkola, Juho Joutsa
(Vertaisarvioitu katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A2))

A Human Depression Circuit Derived From Focal Brain Lesions (2019)

Biological Psychiatry
Padmanabhan Jaya L., Cooke Danielle, Joutsa Juho,Siddiqi Shan H., Ferguson Michael, Darby Ryan, Soussand Louis, Horn Andreas, Kim Na Young, Voss Joel L., Naidech Andrew M., Brodtmann Amy, Egorova Natalia, Gozzi Sophia, Phan Thanh G., Corbetta Maurizio, Grafman Jordan, Fox Michael D.
(Kirjoitus tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (B1))