Docent, Faculty of Science
University Lecturer, Institute of Biomedicine
PhD., Adjunct Professor
ADMIO -consortium and IPP / drug research and development. TCDM


+358 29 450 4466
+358 50 400 4219
Kiinamyllynkatu 10

Areas of expertise

myeloid cells
chronic inflammation
sex steroid receptor
bone biology
tumor macrophage


Education and degrees completed
Doctor of Philosophy    17.8.1998, University of Turku, Medical Faculty
Master of Science         11.3.1993, University of Turku, Biotechnology
High school graduation    31.5.1987, Rauhala High School, Lieksa
Military service              13.6 1988 – 8.5.1989, SissiK/P-KR

Title of Docent        27.3.2006 Docent (Adjunct Professor) of Molecular Cell Biology, Institute of Biochemistry, University of Turku.

Other education   
21.6.2018 Official teacher’s qualification (decree 794/2004; 60 credits ECTS B), University of Turku, Faculty of Education Radiation safety principal, 2007, University of Helsinki

Current position    University Lecturer, Principal Investigator, University of Turku, Institute of Biomedicine 1.1.2018 -

Previous work experience
1.1.2016 – 31.12.2017    University Research Fellow at the University of Turku, Institute of Biomedicine
1.9.2011 – 31.12.2015    University Research Fellow at the University of Turku, Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy (50%) and the University of Eastern Finland, School of Pharmaceutics (50%)
1.9. 2007 – 31.8.2011    Senior Scientist, Bone Analysis Unit Manager of Turku Center for Disease Modeling
1.1.2006 – 31.8.2007    Senior Scientist, Professor Kalervo Väänänen’s research group, Department of Anatomy, University of Turku
1.9.2005 – 31.12.2005    Senior Scientist, Professor Pirkko Härkönen’s research group, Department of Anatomy, University of Turku
1.1.2004 – 31.8.2005    Senior Scientist, Docent Markku Salmivirta’s research group Turku Centre of Biotechnology
1.8.2003 – 31.12.2003    Postdoctoral Researcher in Docent Klaus Elenius’s research group, Medicity Research Laboratory, University of Turku
1.8.2002 – 31.7.2003    Postdoctoral Researcher of the Foundation of the Finnish Cancer Institute
1.8.1999 – 31.7.2002    Postdoctoral Researcher of the Academy of Finland
1.1.1999 – 31.12.2004    Postdoctoral Researcher in Docent Klaus Elenius’s research group, Medicity Research Laboratory, University of Turku
1.7.1998 – 31.12.1998    Research Fellow in Docent Ari Hinkkanen’s research group Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacy, Åbo Akademi University
1.2.1995 – 30.6.1998    Turku Post Graduate School of Biomed. Sciences, post graduate student
1.1.1993 – 31.1.1995    Research assistant, Department of Virology, University of Turku
1991, 1992, 1.6-31.8.    Research assistant, Department of Virology, University of Turku
4.6.1990 – 31.8.1990    Research assistant, Huhtamäki Oy Leiras Ltd. Biotechnological Research Laboratory


Teaching responsibilities include lecturing and contact teaching on the fields of (molecular) cell biology and histology for medical, biomedical and dentistry students


In my research, the function of myeloid cells and mesenchymal cells in the process of calvarial implant integration (ADMIO-consortium). Further, we study also the role of sex steroid receptors on regulation of myeloid cells. This includes the role of myeloid cells in chronic inflammations (e.g. chronic colitis) as well as in tumors.


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Neuropeptide Y in the noradrenergic neurones induces obesity and inhibits sympathetic tone in mice. – Noradrenergic neurone NPY and obesity (2015)

Noradrenergic neurone NPY and obesity
Acta Physiologica
Vähätalo LH, Ruohonen ST, Mäkelä S, Kovalainen M, Huotari A, Mäkelä KA, Määttä JA, Miinalainen I, Gilsbach R, Hein L, Ailanen L, Mattila M, Eerola K, Röyttä M, Ruohonen S, Herzig KH, Savontaus E
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