Jonna Järveläinen profile picture
Senior University Lecturer, Information Systems Science
My research interests lie in the area of business continuity management as well as management of information/cyber security. Another more recent interest is game-based learning.


+358 40 758 3828
Rehtorinpellonkatu 3

Areas of expertise

Business continuity management
information security management
electronic business
game-based learning


I teach digital business, management of information security and business continuity, qualitative research methods, and management of value chains (or networks) as well as supervise bachelor, master and doctoral theses.

My teaching methods aim to interactivity both on and off campus, and I use games, case discussions and flipped classroom discussions with small teams where students can apply their learning from lectures and articles. I have created also educational escape rooms and other games for students.


I have studied several research topics during my career, first electronic business and government (e.g. in early childhood education), later management of information security and business continuity, and currently I am interested in business continuity management, gamification and educational escape rooms and team building in education. 

I have used both quantitative and qualitative methods in my research, lately more qualitative observations, interviews and video materials. The research projects have been using action research, case research and design science research.


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Do SETA Interventions Change Security Behavior? – A Literature Review (2023)

Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Nwachukwu Uchechukwu Justin, Vidgren Jiri, Niemimaa Marko Ilmari, Järveläinen Jonna
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa (A4))

Responsibility of/in digital transformation (2023)

Journal of Responsible Technology
Zimmer Markus P., Järveläinen Jonna, Stahl Bernd C., Mueller Benjamin
(B1 Vertaisarvioimaton kirjoitus tieteellisessä lehdessä )