Johannes Nokkala profile picture
Postdoctoral Researcher, Laboratory of Theoretical Physics
Docent, Department of Physics and Astronomy


Areas of expertise

Graph theory
Network theory
Continuous variable quantum systems
Open quantum systems
Reservoir computing


  • Born, raised and educated in Turku
  • Currently hard at work with his post-doctoral research.
  • Likes: exercise, music, peace, coffee
  • Dislikes: distractions


My doctoral thesis project focuses on networks of interacting quantum harmonic oscillators and in particular, on them as environments for an open quantum system, their probing via the open system, their transport properties, and their experimental implementation. I consider exact Gaussian dynamics of such networks. I am also interested in the application of graph and network theory in quantum mechanics in general. During my post-doctoral work I have also acquainted myself with reservoir computing, a form of unconventional computing suitable for implementation with physical systems, including quantum systems.


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