Areas of expertise
Johannes Holvitie is an Adjunct Professor of Software Engineering (especially in Software Development and Business). He is also the Program Director of ICT for the Wellbeing District of Southwest Finland as well as the Program Director of Electronic Services for the Hospital District of Southwest Finland. Holvitie received his doctorate in 2017 and docentship in 2022. His research interests lay in the software engineering domain and amongst others include technical debt and its management, differing methods for software estimation, the building and management of software architectures and systems portfolios in addition to the innovation processes within software start-ups and differing short-term events.
My main teaching interests follow my research, and have materialized amongst others, through the following courses:
Postgraduate level:
- INFORTE - Technical Debt Management Workshopand
- Software Architectures, and
- Research Seminar on Software Engineering
Master’s level:
- Acquisition of Information Systems,
- Digitalization as Change Enabler,
- Enterprise Resource Planning Systems,
- Software House,
- Designing Object-Oriented Software,
- Capstone Project,
- Lean Software Start-up,and
- Project Management
Bachelor Level:
- Fundamentals of Software Development,
- Programming Languages and Paradigms,
- Distributed Systems Design, and
- Basic Course in Object-Oriented Programming
Research interests lay in the software engineering domain and amongst others include technical debt and its management, differing methods for software estimation, the building and management of software architectures and systems portfolios in addition to the innovation processes within software start-ups and differing short-term events.