Johanna Yliskylä-Peuralahti profile picture
University Teacher, Geography


+358 40 154 5936
Joukahaisenkatu 3-5

Areas of expertise

Geographical research on sustainability and sustainability transitions
circular economy of plastics. Maritime governance and environmental upgrading in maritime industries.


I hold a doctoral degree (2004) and MSc degree (1997) in Human Geography at University of Turku. The area of specialisation in my doctoral studies was regional development and regional policies. Currently, I work as a university teacher at the Department of Geography and Geology (since Aug 1st, 2023).

Before my present position, I worked as a researcher and project manager Centre for Maritime Studies of Brahea Centre at the University of Turku 2006 - 2023, and (simultaneously) as a university teacher at the University of Turku Open University 2018 - 2023. 

During earlier years, I worked as a researcher in Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) at Research Programme for Environmental Policy (2004-2005), as a researcher/doctoral candidate at University of Turku, Department of Geography (2002-2004), as a researcher at University of Tampere, Department of Regional Studies and Environmental Policy (2001-2002, Academy of Finland project BIAPIA), and as a Project Manager, Loimaa Region Development Centre (1997-1998).


  • Bachelor level course “Introduction to geography ” (5 cu) (MAAN6091)
  • Supervision of Igne Stalmokaite's Ph.D thesis ”Tracing dynamics of environmental governance and adoption of environmental innovations in Baltic Sea shipping companies” 2017-2021

  • Supervision of Daria Gritsenko's Ph.D thesis  ”On governance of quality shipping in the Baltic Sea. Exploring collective action in polycentric contexts”  2011-2014.


My on-going research project focus on sustainability and circular economy of plastics (as a part of PlastLIFE project).

My earlier research focused on environmental impacts of shipping, potential to reduce air emissions and the socio-economic implications of emission regulation. My recent peer-reviewed articles have dealt with possibilities to reduce vessel air emissions and energy transition in shipping, sustainability and corporate social responsibility in maritime transport and seaports, maritime governance and regulation, and geographical research.


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Clean Shipping: Exploring the impact of emission regulation (2019)

Sari Repka, Johan Mellqvist,Tadeusz Borkowski, Jukka-Pekka Jalkanen, Jan Eiof Jonson, Lars
Barregard, Eunice Olaniyi, Gunnar Klaus Prause, Michael Gauss, Jari Walden, Erik Svensson,
Eugene Genikhovich, Denis Rumyantzev, Jan Boyesen, Christian Wenske, Thaysa Portela de
Carvalho, Anu Lähteenmäki-Uutela, Lasse Johansson, Vladimir Conde, Anne Erkkilä-Välimäki,
Johanna Yliskylä-Peuralahti, Karri Saarnio, Alexey Bakhtov, Svetlana Tochanskaya, Maximilian
Bosch,Teemu Haukioja, Janne Törrönen, Ari Karppinen, Jörg Beecken, Minna Alhosalo, Jaroslaw
Myskow, Przemyslaw Kowalak, Erik Bäck, Hung Nguyen, Peter Molnar, Leo Stockfelt, Sina Atari,
Yassine Bakkar
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