Johanna Schleutker profile picture
Professor, Institute of Biomedicine
PhD, Professor of Medical Genetics


+358 29 450 2726
+358 50 443 7237
Kiinamyllynkatu 10

Areas of expertise

Cancer genetics
hereditary cancer
human genetics


Johanna Schleutker got her PhD in 1995 in University of Turku, Faculty of Medicine.The topic of her doctoral thesis was "Linkage disequilibrium is Salla disease; positioning of the sialic acid transport defect". She then moved to University of Tampere, and did her post doc in 1996-1998 in the Cancer Genetics research group of Professor Olli Kallioniemi. Her career continued in the US where she spent the years of 1999-2000 working as a research associate at the National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. During the NIH years, she studied genetics of familial prostate cancer in the group of Dr. Jeffrey M.Trent. After her return to Finland, Schleutker started her own research group in 2001 at the Insitute of Medical Technology, University of Tampere, and has ever since focused her studies on genetics and genetic susceptibility of prostate and breast cancer. Schleutker got a professorship in University of Tampere in 2008. In 2011 she started as a professor of medical genetics in University of Turku.


Genetics, cancer genetics, hereditary cancer, genomics, molecular biology.


The Schleutker group "Genetic Predisposition to Cancer" is studying both breast and prostate cancer genetics, the main emphasis being on prostate cancer. Of all cancers, prostate cancer (PrCa) has been reported as one of the most heritable diseases: genetic factors have been estimated to account for 57% of the risk. The goal is to identify and characterize predisposing genes and variants, especially those affecting aggressive outcome, including treatment responses to therapies. Further, the aim is to develop tools for prognostic purposes, i.e. prognostic biomarkers. The group has identified many significant genomic risk regions, candidate genes and variants, which have been then further profiled and characterized by functional studies. The group has produced (by 2021) 12 PhD degrees and published over 190 original, peer-reviewed articles in international journals.


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RAD51B in Familial Breast Cancer (2016)

Pelttari LM, Khan S, Vuorela M, Kiiski JI, Vilske S, Nevanlinna V, Ranta S, Schleutker J, Winqvist R, Kallioniemi A, Dork T, Bogdanova NV, Figueroa J, Pharoah PDP, Schmidt MK, Dunning AM, Garcia-Closas M, Bolla MK, Dennis J, Michailidou K, Wang Q, Hopper JL, Southey MC, Rosenberg EH, Fasching PA, Beckmann MW, Peto J, dos-Santos-Silva I, Sawyer EJ, Tomlinson I, Burwinkel B, Surowy H, Guenel P, Truong T, Bojesen SE, Nordestgaard BG, Benitez J, Gonzalez-Neira A, Neuhausen SL, Anton-Culver H, Brenner H, Arndt V, Meindl A, Schmutzler RK, Brauch H, Bruning T, Lindblom A, Margolin S, Mannermaa A, Hartikainen JM, Chenevix-Trench G, Van Dyck L, Janssen H, Chang-Claude J, Rudolph A, Radice P, Peterlongo P, Hallberg E, Olson JE, Giles GG, Milne RL, Haiman CA, Schumacher F, Simard J, Dumont M, Kristensen V, Borresen-Dale AL, Zheng W, Beeghly-Fadiel A, Grip M, Andrulis IL, Glendon G, Devilee P, Seynaeve C, Hooning MJ, Collee M, Cox A, Cross SS, Shah M, Luben RN, Hamann U, Torres D, Jakubowska A, Lubinski J, Couch FJ, Yannoukakos D, Orr N, Swerdlow A, Darabi H, Li JM, Czene K, Hall P, Easton DF, Mattson J, Blomqvist C, Aittomaki K, Nevanlinna H
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A Genome-wide Pleiotropy Scan for Prostate Cancer Risk (2015)

European Urology
Orestis A. Panagiotou, Ruth C. Travis, Daniele Campa, Sonja I. Berndt, Sara Lindstrom, Peter Kraft, Fredrick R. Schumacher, Afshan Siddiq, Stefania I. Papatheodorou, Janet L. Stanford, Demetrius Albanes, Jarmo Virtamo, Stephanie J. Weinstein, W. Ryan Diver, Susan M. Gapstur, Victoria L. Stevens, Heiner Boeing, H. Bas Bueno-de-Mesquita, Aurelio Barricarte Gurrea, Rudolf Kaaks, Kay-Tee Khaw, Vittorio Krogh, Kim Overvad, Elio Riboli, Dimitrios Trichopoulos, Edward Giovannucci, Meir Stampfer, Christopher Haiman, Brian Henderson, Loic Le Marchand, J. Michael Gaziano, David J. Hunter, Stella Koutros, Meredith Yeager, Robert N. Hoover, The PRACTICAL Consortiumy, Stephen J. Chanock, Sholom Wacholder, Timothy J. Key, Konstantinos K. Tsilidis
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

A Large-Scale Analysis of Genetic Variants within Putative miRNA Binding Sites in Prostate Cancer (2015)

Cancer Discovery
Stegeman S, Amankwah E, Klein K, O'Mara TA, Kim D, Lin HY, Permuth-Wey J, Sellers TA, Srinivasan S, Eeles R, Easton D, Kote-Jarai Z, Al Olama AA, Benlloch S, Muir K, Giles GG, Wiklund F, Gronberg H, Haiman CA, Schleutker J, Nordestgaard BG, Travis RC, Neal D, Pharoah P, Khaw KT, Stanford JL, Blot WJ, Thibodeau S, Maier C, Kibel AS, Cybulski C, Cannon-Albright L, Brenner H, Kaneva R, Teixeira MR, Spurdle AB, Clements JA, Park JY, Batra J
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Risk Analysis of Prostate Cancer in PRACTICAL, a Multinational Consortium, Using 25 Known Prostate Cancer Susceptibility Loci (2015)

Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention
Al Olama AA, Benlloch S, Antoniou AC, Giles GG, Severi G, Neal DE, Hamdy FC, Donovan JL, Muir K, Schleutker J, Henderson BE, Haiman CA, Schumacher FR, Pashayan N, Pharoah PDP, Ostrander EA, Stanford JL, Batra J, Clements JA, Chambers SK, Weischer M, Nordestgaard BG, Ingles SA, Sorensen KD, Orntoft TF, Park JY, Cybulski C, Maier C, Doerk T, Dickinson JL, Cannon-Albright L, Brenner H, Rebbeck TR, Zeigler-Johnson C, Habuchi T, Thibodeau SN, Cooney KA, Chappuis PO, Hutter P, Kaneva RP, Foulkes WD, Zeegers MP, Lu YJ, Zhang HW, Stephenson R, Cox A, Southey MC, Spurdle AB, FitzGerald L, Leongamornlert D, Saunders E, Tymrakiewicz M, Guy M, Dadaev T, Little SJ, Govindasami K, Sawyer E, Wilkinson R, Herkommer K, Hopper JL, Lophatonanon A, Rinckleb AE, Kote-Jarai Z, Eeles RA, Easton DF
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Genome-Wide Association Study of Prostate Cancer–Specific Survival (2015)

Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention
Robert Szulkin, Robert Karlsson, Thomas Whitington, Markus Aly, Henrik Gronberg, Rosalind A. Eeles, Douglas F. Easton, Zsofia Kote-Jarai, Ali Amin Al Olama, Sara Benlloch, Kenneth Muir, Graham G. Giles, Melissa C. Southey, Liesel M. FitzGerald, Brian E. Henderson, Fredrick R. Schumacher, Christopher A. Haiman, Csilla Sipeky, TeuvoL.J.Tammela, Børge G.Nordestgaard,Timothy J.Key, Ruth C.Travis, David E. Neal, Jenny L. Donovan, Freddie C. Hamdy, Paul D.P. Pharoah, Nora Pashayan, Kay-Tee Khaw, Janet L. Stanford, Stephen N.Thibodeau, Shannon K. McDonnell, Daniel J. Schaid, Christiane Maier, Walther Vogel, Manuel Luedeke, Kathleen Herkommer, Adam S. Kibel, Cezary Cybulski, Jan Lubinski,Wojciech Kluzniak, Lisa Cannon-Albright, Hermann Brenner, Volker Herrmann, Bernd Holleczek, Jong Y. Park, Thomas A. Sellers, Hui-Yi Lim, Chavdar Slavov, Radka P. Kaneva, Vanio I. Mitev, Amanda Spurdle, Manuel R. Teixeira ,Paula Paulo, Sofia Maia, Hardev Pandha,Agnieszka Michael, Andrzej Kierzek,on behalf of the PRACTICAL consortium; Jyotsna Batra, Judith A. Clements, on behalf of the Australian Prostate Cancer BioResource; Demetrius lbanes48, Gerald L. Andriole, Sonja I. Berndt, Stephen Chanock, Susan M. Gapstur, Edward L. Giovannucci,David J. Hunter, Peter Kraft, Loic Le Marchand, Jing Ma, Alison M. Mondul, Kathryn L. Penney, Meir J. Stampfer,Victoria L. Stevens, Stephanie J.Weinstein, Antonia Trichopoulou, Bas H. Bueno-de-Mesquita, Anne Tjønneland,David G. Cox, on behalf of the BPC3 consortium; Lovise Maehle, Johanna Schleutker, Sara Lindstr€om, and Fredrik Wiklund
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Prediction of Individual Genetic Risk to Prostate Cancer Using a Polygenic Score (2015)

Szulkin R, Whitington T, Eklund M, Aly M, Eeles RA, Easton D, Kote-Jarai Z, Al Olama AA, Benlloch S, Muir K, Giles GG, Southey MC, Fitzgerald LM, Henderson BE, Schumacher F, Haiman CA, Schleutker J, Wahlfors T, Tammela TLJ, Nordestgaard BG, Key TJ, Travis RC, Neal DE, Donovan JL, Hamdy FC, Pharoah P, Pashayan N, Khaw KT, Stanford JL, Thibodeau SN, McDonnell SK, Schaid DJ, Maier C, Vogel W, Luedeke M, Herkommer K, Kibel AS, Cybulski C, Lubinski J, Kluzniak W, Cannon-Albright L, Brenner H, Butterbach K, Stegmaier C, Park JY, Sellers T, Lim HY, Slavov C, Kaneva R, Mitev V, Batra J, Clements JA, Spurdle A, Teixeira MR, Paulo P, Maia S, Pandha H, Michael A, Kierzek A, Gronberg H, Wiklund F
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