Project Researcher, Social Work
Doctoral Researcher, Social Work
Social worker as a service selector, decision maker and monitorer in child welfare in-home services; Sustainable social work careers on wellbeing services counties
Areas of expertise
turnover of social workers
sustainable careers of social workers
social work profession
I have a master's degree in social work and I'm a licensed social worker. I work both as a doctoral reseacher and project researcher at the University of Turku. At the moment I'm working in the following projects:
Social worker as a service selector, decision maker and monitorer in child welfare in-home services (VALITSIJA)
Sustainable social work careers on wellbeing services counties (SOSPOLKU)
Sosiaalityöntekijöiden vaihtuvuuden seuraukset sosiaalityön johtajien kuvaamina The consequences of turnover among social workers described by social work supervisors (2024)
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