Doctoral Researcher, Department of Clinical Medicine
Docent, Department of Clinical Medicine
Research Manager, Clinical Neurosciences
M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor. Principal Investigator of FinnBrain Neuroimaging Lab, Head of Neuroimaging, InterLearn
We study how early life exposures, genes and environment shape the brain structure, brain function and how these relate to health and wellbeing.
Areas of expertise
Brain development
Pleasure in the brain
Social touch
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI
Positron emission tomography (PET). Connectomics
Whole brain modelling. Emerging expertise in population neuroscience.
After getting an M.D. degree in 2014, I defended my awarded PhD thesis on the brain changes of morbid obesity and weight loss surgery in 2015 and received Adjunct professorship in Cognitive Neuroscience in 2018. I am currently Principal Investigator of the FinnBrain Neuroimaging Lab and the work is related to solving the mysteries of the developing brain.
I have had seminal role in the launch of Human Neuroscience Master's Programme at the Turku Brain and Mind Center, where my teaching activities will continue as the leading coordinator of courses on neuroimaging methods.
Aberrant mesolimbic dopamine-opiate interaction in obesity (2015)
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Osaanko oikeasti? – Välittömän palautteen merkitys lääketieteen opetuksessa (2014)
(Artikkeli ammattilehdessä tai kirjoitus ammatillisessa blogissa (D1))
Weight loss following bariatric surgery recovers decreased brain volumes but not increased fatty acid metabolism in the morbidly obese: a combined PET and VBM study (2014)
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Maternal BMI and exercise have interactive effects on brain's white and grey matter composition in elderly women (2014)
(O2 Muu julkaisu )
Opintoprojekti lääketieteellisenä opinnäytteenä ja vertaisryhmätoiminta syventävien opintojen kirjallisen työn tukena (2014)
Nuori lääkäri
(Artikkeli ammattilehdessä tai kirjoitus ammatillisessa blogissa (D1))
Central and peripheral alterations in glucose uptake in patients with multiple sclerosis during treadmill walking (2014)
Multiple Sclerosis
(O2 Muu julkaisu )
Lihavuus herkistää aivot insuliinille – Weight loss after bariatric surgery reverses insulin-induced increases in brain glucose metabolism of the morbidly obese (2013)
Weight loss after bariatric surgery reverses insulin-induced increases in brain glucose metabolism of the morbidly obese
(Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti taikka -selvitys (D4))
Weight Loss After Bariatric Surgery Reverses Insulin-Induced Increases in Brain Glucose Metabolism of the Morbidly Obese (2013)
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Obesity is associated with white matter atrophy – A combined diffusion tensor imaging and voxel-based morphometric study (2013)
A combined diffusion tensor imaging and voxel-based morphometric study
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Decreased mu-opioid receptor binding in brain reward circuitry in morbid obesity (2012)
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism
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