Docent, Department of Biology
Senior Researcher, INVEST Research Flagship Centre
Areas of expertise
Evolutionary ecology
behavioral ecology
life history theory
kin selection
reproductive conflict
human evolutionary evolution
I have been interested in various topics related to fitness variation in humans. For example, how environment affect selection on life-history traits and how social environment and presence of kin affects reproductive behaviour. I have been using pedigree data from historical Finnish populations collected from church book records.
Family dynamics and age-related patterns in marriage probability (2020)
Evolution and Human Behavior
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Dead or alive: The interplay of grandparental investment according to the survival status of other grandparent types (2020)
(Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti taikka -selvitys (D4))The Resettlement and Subsequent Assimilation of Evacuees from Finnish Karelia during and after the Second World War (2020)
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli kokoomateoksessa (A3))Limits to Fitness Benefits of Prolonged Post-reproductive Lifespan in Women (2019)
Current Biology
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Grandmotherhood across the demographic transition (2018)
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Limited support for the X-linked grandmother hypothesis in pre-industrial Finland (2018)
Biology Letters
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Effects of female reproductive competition on birth rate and reproductive scheduling in a historical human population (2018)
Behavioral Ecology
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Sex and size matters: Selection on personality in natural prey-predator interactions (2018)
Behavioural Processes
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Changes in Length of Grandparenthood in Finland 1790-1959 (2017)
Finnish Yearbook of Population Research
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Newly Digitized Database Reveals the Lives and Families of Forced Migrants from Finnish Karelia (2017)
Finnish Yearbook of Population Research
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