Jenna Saarni profile picture
Doctoral Researcher, Digital Language Studies, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Spanish
Filosofian maisteri – Master of Arts
Crisis communication in digital media


Areas of expertise

discourse analysis
digital discourse
digital media
communication and interaction studies
crisis communication
news media
social media


I am a doctoral researcher in digital language studies in the Utuling doctoral programme at the University of Turku.

I have worked in various in multilingual projects at the University of Turku. I have also organised international conferences and encouraged children and adolescents to engage with studies of language. I represent doctoral researchers in the boards of the graduate school UTUGS and doctoral programme Utuling. I am also a board member and responsible for communications in JUNecto ry, an association for doctoral researchers. I represented doctoral researchers in the research assessment project RAE (2022) and audit interview (2023). 

I have graduated as a Master of Arts in 2018 and a Bachelor of Arts in 2016 from the French department at the University of Turku. During my studies, I have spent a year in Graz, Austria in 2017–2018 and an exchange year at Université Lumière Lyon II in France in 2014–2015.


I've lectured in the following courses/projects:

- Sociolinguistics, French
-​​​​​​​ Digital interaction, School of Languages and Translation Studies
- Corpus linguistics and Language Technology, Digital language Studies
- Discourse and Interaction Studies, French
- Tiedetestaajat, Universities of Turku and Jyväskylä, Finnish Cultural Foundation
- Organizing an academic symposium, School of Languages and Translation Studies
- Supplementary course, French


In my research, I focus on crisis communication and interaction during the Covid-19 pandemic from the language use perspective. I'm especially interested in how different media actors from news writers to social media users position themselves towards the global health crisis in digital media. My research is funded the Kone Foundation 1.8.2023–31.9.2026 and the C.V. Åkerlundin mediasäätiö 1.6.2022–1.6.2023.

I'm also a part of the multidisciplinary TurkuNLP language technology team:

Other research-related projects I've participated:

- Member of organising committee, Finnish Conference of Linguistics
- Project researcher, Chatbot project, French
- Project researcher, Akasu project, Finnish and Finno-Ugric Languages
- Project worker, Paraphrase project, Data analytics
- Project researcher, RoboLang and Health News projects, French
- Conference secretary, Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis conference


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