Areas of expertise
Adjunct Professor, Dr.(Adm.Sc.) Jarmo Vehmas has extensive experience in leading international and national research projects and and scientific consortiums. He is Adjunct Professor of environmental policy in University of Helsinki (2009). Currently he works as Regional Manager at University of Turku, Finland Futures Research Centre. He has been Coordinator of the EU Horizon 2020 project "European Futures for Energy Efficiency" (EUFORIE), Coordinator of EU FP7 project "Synergies in Multi-scale Inter-Linkages of Eco-social systems" (SMILE) and Project ;Manager of EU FP6 project "Development and Comparison of Sustainability Indicators" (DECOIN). He was a partner director in EU CIP-EIP project "Eco-Innovation Observatory" (EIO). He has been Principal Investigator of the Academy of Finland project "Redefining Energy and Climate Policy in the Least Developed Countries: Analyzing Institutions and Initiatives in the Mekong Region" (RECLAIM) and responsible partner director in the Academy of Finland consortium "Indicator Framework for Eco-Efficiency" (IFEE). Dr. Vehmas is editorial board member in "Progress in Industrial Ecology – an International Journal# and a referee in various journals in the fields of environmental and energy policy. He has 46 peer reviewed scientific publications in the fields of energy and environmental policies, sustainable development, sustainability evaluation and indicators, and futures studies.