Jarmo Gunn profile picture
Professor, Surgery


Areas of expertise

Cardiac surgery
thoracic surgery
cardiac interventions
epidemiology and outcomes research


Basic surgical training for medical school students, postgraduate scientific teaching and supervising, specialist training (cardiothoracic surgery)


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Comparison of 30-day and 5-year outcomes of percutaneous coronary intervention versus coronary artery bypass grafting in patients aged≤50 years (the Coronary aRtery diseAse in younG adultS Study). (2014)

American Journal of Cardiology
Biancari F, Gudbjartsson T, Heikkinen J, Anttila V, Mäkikallio T, Jeppsson A, Thimour-Bergström L, Mignosa C, Rubino AS, Kuttila K, Gunn J, Wistbacka JO, Teittinen K, Korpilahti K, Onorati F, Faggian G, Vinco G, Vassanelli C, Ribichini F, Juvonen T, Axelsson TA, Sigurdsson AF, Karjalainen PP, Mennander A, Kajander O, Eskola M, Ilveskoski E, D'Oria V, De Feo M, Kiviniemi T, Airaksinen KE
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