Janne Harjula profile picture
Docent, School of History, Culture and Arts Studies
University Lecturer, History and Archaelogy


+358 29 450 2997
+358 50 528 8784
Akatemiankatu 1

Areas of expertise

Iron Age
Middle Ages
Early Modern Period
material culture
artefact study
dressing and arming


I received my Master’s degree in archaeology in 1997 and my PhD in 2008. In 2011 I was awarded a title of docent in historical archaeology in the University of Turku. For the majority of my career, I have worked as a grant researcher in research projects funded by various foundations and the Academy of Finland. My affiliations include the University of Turku, the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) and the Museum Centre of Turku. From 2016 I served three years as a fixed-term university lecturer in the Department of Archaeology at the University of Turku. In autumn 2019 I started a permanent employment as a university teacher in the same department, and was upgraded to university lecturer in 2023.


My job description as a university lecturer mostly involves teaching intermediate and advanced-level courses. I am also responsible for providing study-related support and tutoring to the students of the Department. Furthermore, I supervise Master’s theses and doctoral dissertations. I am a member of the teaching development workgroup of the School of History, Culture and Arts Studies. I aim to develop my personal teaching activities by increasing the amount of interaction that I have with my students and by further activating my students and the ways that they learn.


My research focuses especially on material culture phenomena of the late Iron Age and the Middle Ages from an archaeological point of view. Geographically, my research covers Finland and the Baltic region. During the 2010s, my areas of research have included for example textualization, the archaeology of ecclesiastical sites, and the artefactual culture of medieval towns.


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The Askainen Louhisaari Manor (2006)

Proceedings of the ... summer meeting of the Royal Archaeological Institute
Harjula Janne
(Kirjoitus tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (B1))

Captions (2004)

Harjula Janne
(O2 Muu julkaisu )

Bildtexter (2004)

Harjula Janne
(O2 Muu julkaisu )