Iftakher Hossain profile picture
Clinical Neurosciences


Areas of expertise

traumatic brain injury
cranial reconstruction
neurointensive care


 In 2014 inspired by world famous Finnish neurosurgeon Prof. Juha Hernesniemi and Prof. Risto O. Roine, I planned to specialise in neurosurgery in Turku. At this moment, besides the basic clinical training in Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finalnd, I am also conducting my MD, PhD thesis in traumatic brain injury (TBI).


2019 - I am going to work as a part-time clinical lecturer in the department of neuroanatomy of University of Tartu from this Autumn.
2018 - I was able to deliver two lectures for the neurosurgeons of Bangladesh on the stroke management policies of the division of clinical neurosciences, Turku University Hospital.
2017 - I was involved in the teaching of MD students who collected data for the CENTER-TBI study. My job was to help them to interpret the acute imaging data and to help them to learn the clinical examination of a patient with TBI.
2015 - Under the guidance of Prof. Risto O. Roine, Prof. Jaakko Rinne. Adj. Prof. Olli Tenovuo and Adj. Prof. Jussi Posti, I was able to organise the 1st Dhaka Microneurosurgery Live Course by neurosurgeon Prof. Juha Hernesniemi and I was a  memeber of the teaching team of Helsinki neurosurgery.


I am working on the clinical applications of the blood-based protein biomarkers in the diagnosis and the outcome prediction of TBIs. The theme of my project is: "Combining neuroimaging and blood biomarkers in the assessment of traumatic brain injuries."

The project has been awarded as the best neurosurgical research project in the field of TBI by the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS) in 2018.

Our multicentre (Finland, UK, Sweden and Switzerland) based traumatic brain injury research group has been working on the correlation between the blood biomarkers and the imaging tools to develop a novel approach for the proper diagnosis, treatment and follow-up evaluation of patients with TBI. The findings of the first manuscript and the theme of the doctoral thesis have been presented in the 7th International Conference on Biochemical Markers for Brain Damage (BMBD) 2015, Lund, Sweden and in the 6th South Asian Neurosurgical Congress 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh by the doctoral candidate. The novel idea for developing new diagnostic tools for TBI were also reported by the doctoral candidate in the 3rd Chinese Neurology and Neurosurgery Conference in December 2016. Moreover, the findings of the second manuscript have been highly appreciated in the 12th World Congress on Brain Injury, March, 2017, New Orleans, USA and was presented also in the 17th European Neurosurgical Congress 2017, October, Venice, Italy as an oral presentation by the doctoral candidate. Doctoral candidate has successfully presented the latest promising results of the third manuscript of his thesis project in the 18th Annual Congress of the EANS in October, 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. It is expected that this doctoral thesis will provide excellent evidence for the utility of these biomarkers in the field of TBI diagnostics. Furthermore, it will also bring new collaborations in the fields of TBI research.


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An outlier analysis for acute blood biomarkers of moderate and severe traumatic brain injury (2024)

Journal of Neurotrauma
Korhonen Otto, Mononen Malla, Mohammadian Mehrbod, Tenovuo Olli, Blennow Kaj,Hossain Iftakher, Hutchinson Peter, Maanpää Henna-Riikka, Menon David, Newcombe Virginia, Sanchez Jean-Charles, Takala Riikka, Tallus Riikka, van Gils Mark, Zetterberg Henrik, Posti Jussi
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )

Early management of adult traumatic spinal cord injury in patients with polytrauma: a consensus and clinical recommendations jointly developed by the World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) & the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS) (2024)

World Journal of Emergency Surgery
Picetti Edoardo, Demetriades Andreas K., Catena Fausto, Aarabi Bizhan, Abu-Zidan Fikri M., Alves Oscar L., Ansaloni Luca, Armonda Rocco A., Badenes Rafael, Bala Miklosh, Balogh Zsolt J., Barbanera Andrea, Bertuccio Alessandro, Biffl Walter L., Bouzat Pierre, Buki Andras, Castano-Leon Ana Maria, Cerasti Davide, Citerio Giuseppe, Coccolini Federico, Coimbra Raul, Coniglio Carlo, Costa Francesco, De Iure Federico, Depreitere Bart, Fainardi Enrico, Fehlings Michael J., Gabrovsky Nikolay, Godoy Daniel Agustin, Gruen Peter, Gupta Deepak, Hawryluk Gregory W. J., Helbok Raimund, Hossain Iftakher, Hutchinson Peter J., Iaccarino Corrado, Inaba Kenji, Ivanov Marcel, Kaprovoy Stanislav, Kirkpatrick Andrew W., Klein Sam, Kolias Angelos, Konovalov Nikolay A., Lagares Alfonso, Lippa Laura, Loza-Gomez Angelica, Luoto Teemu M., Maas Andrew I. R., Maciejczak Andrzej, Maier Ronald V., Marklund Niklas, Martin Matthew J., Melloni Ilaria, Mendoza-Lattes Sergio, Meyfroidt Geert, Munari Marina, Napolitano Lena M., Okonkwo David O., Otomo Yasuhiro, Papadopoulos Marios C., Petr Ondra, Peul Wilco C., Pudkrong Aichholz K., Qasim Zaffer, Rasulo Frank, Reizinho Carla, Ringel Florian, Rizoli Sandro, Rostami Elham, Rubiano Andres M., Russo Emanuele, Sarwal Aarti, Schwab Jan M., Servadei Franco, Sharma Deepak, Sharif Salman, Shiban Ehab, Shutter Lori, Stahel Philip F., Taccone Fabio S., Terpolilli Nicole A., Thomé Claudius, Toth Peter, Tsitsopoulos Parmenion P., Udy Andrew, Vaccaro Alexander R., Varon Albert J., Vavilala Monica S., Younsi Alexander, Zackova Monika, Zoerle Tommaso, Robba Chiara
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