Assistant Professor, Speech-Language Pathology
PhD, assistant professor
Areas of expertise
neural correlates of conscious perception
sensory feedback
monitoring and adjusting self-produced speech
electroencephalography (EEG)
event-related potentials (ERP)
transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
My teaching focuses around research methodology, and a cognitive-neuroscientific perspective on speech-language pathology.
Fluent speaking requires adjusting speech based on sensory feedback. Speech can be adjusted automatically (e.g., you reflexively speak louder in a noisy environment), but sometimes conscious monitoring of speech is required (e.g., you try to learn to pronounce a foreign sound you are unfamiliar with). We are interested in how these two mechanisms contribute to the control of speech based on auditory feedback. We also study the neural basis of these processes using electroencephalography (EEG). We want to understand why some patients have difficulties noticing and correcting their own speech deficit.
Consciousness as a concrete physical phenomenon (2019)
Consciousness and Cognition
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Binocular disparity can augment the capacity of vision without affecting subjective experience of depth (2018)
Scientific Reports
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Dopamine and eye movement control in Parkinson's disease: deficits in corollary discharge signals? (2018)
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Transcranial magnetic stimulation of early visual cortex suppresses conscious representations in a dichotomous manner without gradually decreasing their precision (2017)
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Judging Total Volumes Of Silhouetted Spheres In Different Numerosities (2017)
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Dynamic Changes in Cortical Effective Connectivity Underlie Transsaccadic Integration in Humans (2017)
Cerebral Cortex
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TMS-EEG reveals hemispheric asymmetries in top-down influences of posterior intraparietal cortex on behavior and visual event-related potentials (2017)
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Early processing in primary visual cortex is necessary for conscious and unconscious vision while late processing is necessary only for conscious vision in neurologically healthy humans (2017)
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Who is afraid of the invisible snake? Subjective visual awareness modulates posterior brain activity for evolutionarily threatening stimuli (2016)
Biological Psychology
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Rapid and accurate processing of multiple objects in briefly presented scenes (2016)
Journal of Vision
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