Areas of expertise
I received my PhD in economics at the end of 2020 in University of Turku. In January 2021, I started working as a Post-Doc researcher in University of Turku and as a senior researcher in Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) in SOCCAN-project.
- Current courses
- 2020-> HOIT0321 Introduction to Health Economics
- 2021 KT042131 Economic history as a laboratory for empirical research
Past courses- 2017-> KT31 Taloushistoria
- 2018-> KT31 Economic history (exchange students)
Working papers:
1) "Mental disorders and lifetime earnings" (discussion paper)
2) "Exploring the labor market consequences of psychiatric disorders: An event study approach" (discussion paper)
Work in progress:
1) "The long-term mental health effects of forced migration: Evidence from the Evacuation of Finnish Karelia" (with Haukka, J., Martikainen P., Sarvimäki M. & Suvisaari J.)
2) "Gender inequality reinforced: the impact of a child's health shock on parents' labor market trajectories" (with Vaalavuo, M. & Tahvonen O.)
3) "To Care or Work? Added Effects of Cancer Diagnosis on Joint Labour Supply in Families" (with Vaalavuo, M., Böckerman P. & Kortelainen, M.)