Hannu Salmela profile picture
Professor, Information Systems Science
Professor, Information Systems (Turku School of Economics)


+358 29 450 2710
+358 50 527 1755
Rehtorinpellonkatu 3

Areas of expertise

IS strategy
IS agility
digital transformation
digital platforms
IS services
IT project management


I have been a Professor of information systems at Turku School of Economics since 1998. I studied in Turku School of Economics in 1982-1989 majoring in information systems and obtained a doctor's degree from the same school at 1996. I have made research and teaching visits to University of Kentucky, University of Vaasa, West Georgia State University, and University of Twente. I was Principal Teacher of information systems subject in 1999-2006, Head of Department of Management in 1999-2008 and Vice Dean of Turku School of Economics in 2010-2018.


I have been actively involved in developing our international manster's programs: The “Global IT Management” (GITM) master’s program as a double degree program with Tilburg University (the Netherlands), University of Passau (Germany) and Central China Normal University (Wuhan, China); and International Master in Management of Information Technology (IMMIT) as a multiple degree program of Tilburg University, Turku School of Economics, and Paul Cezanne University in Aix en Provence. I'm currently teaching an advanced level on-line course on Management of IS Projects, and involved in our master's thesis and doctoral seminars. I have previously lectured topics such as Business Information Systems, Accounting Information Systems, Enterprice Reseource Planning, and Software Business. As Vice Dean for education, I was responsible for reforms in the school's B.Sc. and M.Sc. programs, and participated in initial preparations for acquiring AACSB accreditation.


The purpose of my research is to understand how organizations and networks capitalize on business opportunities created by digital technologies. In the past, my emphasis was on managerial processes, in particular on strategic information systems planning. My current research addresses also agility in operative IS processes; the possibilities of IS and business professionals to explore emerging market opportunities as part of their routine activities. My main research method is action research, which has led me to do collaborative research projects with companies (e.g. Partek, Nordea, Tieto, Metsä-Botnia, Fastems, Meyer) and the public sector (Tax Authoroties, Finnish Defence Forces, City of Turku, Municipalities Lieto, Turku and Uusikaupunki). I have published articles in Journal of Information Technology, European Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Strategic Information Systems and International Journal on Information Management.


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Nordic Contributions in IS Research (2011)

Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
Salmela, Hannu;Sell, Anna
(Toimitustyö tieteelliselle lehdelle, kokoomateokselle tai konferenssijulkaisulle (C2))

Ketterän organisaation IT (2010)

Salmela, H.; Hallanoro, M.; Sippa, S.; Tapanainen, T.; Ylitalo, J.
(Vertaisarvioitu tieteellinen erillisteos tai raportti (C1))