Eunice Olaniyi profile picture
Postdoctoral Researcher, Geography

Areas of expertise

Maritime economics
Supply chain/logistics
SME management & Internationalization


Eunice O. Olaniyi, is a researcher in the field of Maritime Economics. She had lived and worked in different countries and her academic background cuts transversely across different multi-disciplinary fields that includes international business development, supply chain, applied science, public relations, project management and  financial management. Eunice has managed and participated in different project implementations and collaborations in the field of sustainable transport, maritime operations/logistics, SME management & internationalization, regional development and innovation in the frame of European BSR Interreg programs. Some of her research activities had includes formulating and modelling methodologies for value networks and business models in the maritime business sector, data analysis, information systems management as well as international coalitions & business alliances development for the Central Baltic States and Southern African Countries.  


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Clean Cruise Shipping: Experience from the BSR (2022)

Olaniyi Eunice Omolola, Prause Gunnar, Gerasimova Vera, Inkinen Tommi
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