Areas of expertise
Currently I work as a university lecturer in Turku School of Economics, Pori unit in Management and Organization. Prior to that I have worked in Turku School of Economics in the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship since 2002. I have worked in various positions such as doctoral candidate, grant researcher, post-doctoral researcher and university teacher.
Currently my teaching interests are in Organizational Behavior & Leadership as well as human resource management in bachelor level. Sustainable HRM and HRM research overall are themes for the master's level courses that I currently teach. I am also in a teacher team instructing a capstone course on organization's strategic control (MSc). I supervise masters thesis students and especially on themes and topics from the fields of HRM (strategic HRM and sustainable HRM, CSR-HRM linkage), Organizational Behavior, and HRM-performance linkage.
Currently I am doing research in the field of Human Resource Management (HRM). I am especially interested in the HRM-performance linkage and more specifically how employee perceptions and their organizational climate consensus could explain this link.
I have also reseached the element of sustainability in HRM and specifically the meanings of sustainability in the people management context. In parallel to this the connection and link between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Human Resource Management (HRM) is of interes as well. Recently, the common good and ethical issues in sustainable HRM have been included in recent research projects.
My other research intererst is in the doctoral students' supervisor-supervisee relationships in Universities from the pedagogical perspective, and exploring what is the role of trust in this relationship, and how this relationsip could be explained through leadership theories (namely LMX).