University Lecturer, Pori Unit
Areas of expertise
Mergers and acquisitions
management control
management accounting
capital budgeting
Management accounting and business partnership (bachelor)
Short-term financial decision-making and capital budgeting (bachelor)
Management control (bachelor)
Mergers and acquisitions (master)
Valuation and Financial Statement Analysis (master)
Master’s and PhD theses
Erkki Vuorenmaa has conducted university teacher's pedagogical studies (60 ECTS) in the University of Turku. He is devoted to using a flipped classroom teaching method. He especially enjoys case-based teaching in his bachelor and master level courses.
Erkki Vuorenmaa's interests include mergers and acquisitions, management control and trust.
From distrust to trust : Balancing between forcing and fostering management control systems in a hostile cross-border post-acquisition integration (2024)
Management Accounting Research
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