Ecology and Evolutionary Biology


Vesilinnantie 5

Areas of expertise



A total of 284 articles published in international scientific journals with referee practice and 1 scientific monograph during 1978-2018, as well as 27 Ph.D. theses supervised during 1993-2018 (see for more complete list of publications). Most of these papers have been published in high-quality international natural science, ecology and behavioural ecology journals, including Nature (3 papers in 1993-2018), Trends Ecol. Evol. (3), Biol. Reviews (2), Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B (12), BioScience (2), Global Change Biol. (2), PLoS one (6), Ecol. Monogr. (2), Ecology (9), J. Anim. Ecol. (14), Oikos (34), Oecologia (20), Ecol. Letters (1), Ecography (5), Methods in Ecol. Evol. (1), Biol. Cons. (2), Ecoscience (7), Funct. Ecol. (2), Evol. Ecol. (5), Evol. Ecol. Res. (1), Behav. Ecol. (3), Anim. Behav. (5), and Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. (8). These papers are also highly cited: a total of  >11500 citations in Web of Sci. during 1984-2018 (h-index 62).


Our team does research in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Our current project is on population dynamics, reproductive success, dispersal and survival of avian predators in relation to habitat change (e.g. forest loss and intensification of agricultural practices) and climate change in northern ecosystems.

There is a pressing need to understand how changing climate interacts with land-use change to affect predator-prey interactions in fragmented landscapes. This is particularly true in boreal ecosystems facing fast climate change and intensification in forestry practices. We investigate the relative influence of climate changes and habitat loss  and degradation on the food storing behaviour, body condition, over-winter survival, reproductive success and costs of reproduction of a generalist predator in boreal forest. Our model species is the pygmy owl, and its main food resources, small rodents and birds. We have collected a unique dataset of >20 000 prey items accumulated in larders of pygmy owls in autumns during 2002-2018.


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Climate change reshuffles northern species within their niches (2022)

Nature Climate Change
Antão Laura H., Weigel Benjamin, Strona Giovanni, Hällfors Maria, Kaarlejärvi Elina, Dallas Tad, Opedal Øystein H., Heliölä Janne, Henttonen Heikki, Huitu Otso, Korpimäki Erkki, Kuussaari Mikko, Lehikoinen Aleksi, Leinonen Reima, Lindén Andreas, Merilä Päivi, Pietiäinen Hannu, Pöyry Juha, Salemaa Maija, Tonteri Tiina, Vuorio Kristiina, Ovaskainen Otso, Saastamoinen Marjo, Vanhatalo Jarno, Roslin Tomas, Laine Anna-Liisa
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )