Emren Borhan profile picture
Doctoral Researcher, Molecular Plant Biology
Doctoral Researcher, Department of Life Technologies
MSc. ,
Photosynthetic Microbes Group

Areas of expertise

Microalgae cultivation


I graduated as BSc in Molecular Biology & Genetics Department and MSc in Environmental Sciences Institute at Boğaziçi University. My master’s thesis is on large-scale bio jet fuel (biokerosene) production from microalgae. I have studied at Istanbul Microalgae Biotechnologies R&D Center (IMBIYOTAB) for 4 years as research assistant. I have worked in sustainability consultancy for more than 5 years, providing technical and academic support.


I study in the EU-funded project REALM (Reusing Effluents from Agriculture to unlock the potential of Microalgae, https://realmalgae.eu/), which thrives on making microalgae cultivation and bioremediation of greenhouse wastewater economically and environmentally attractive.  My ultimate goal in the studies is to achieve the optimum state in continuous microalgae cultivation that will support closed-loop greenhouse agriculture with high nutrient removal and growth rate, also with biostimulant/biofertilizer production in accordance with the seasons and geographical changes.