Elina Mäntylä profile picture
Development Specialist, Innovation Services (TTO)
Kehittämisasiantuntija, FT / Development Specialist, Ph.D.


+358 29 450 2780
+358 50 478 0425
Koskenniemenkatu 4

Areas of expertise

research infrastructures
research data


I have a PhD in ecology. I have researched the interactions between birds, insects and trees in a wide range of forests from subarctic to rainforests. I also study the migration of arctic skuas and its effects on their breeding success.

As a development specialist, my responsibilities include the coordination of research infrastructures, research data and laboratories.


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Decomposing drivers in avian insectivory: Large-scale effects of climate, habitat and bird diversity (2024)

Journal of Biogeography
Schillé L., Valdés-Correcher E., Archaux F., Bălăcenoiu F., Bjørn M.C., Bogdziewicz M., Boivin T., Branco M., Damestoy T., de Groot M., Dobrosavljević J., Duduman M.L., Dulaurent A.M., Green S., Grünwald J., Eötvös C.B., Faticov M., Fernandez-Conradi P., Flury E., Funosas D., Galmán A., Gossner M.M., Gripenberg S., Grosu L., Hagge J., Hampe A., Harvey D., Houston R., Isenmann R., Kavčič A., Kozlov M.V., Lanta V., Le Tilly B., Lopez-Vaamonde C., Mallick S., Mäntylä E., Mårell A., Milanović S., Molnár M., Moreira X., Moser V., Mrazova A., Musolin D.L., Perot T., Piotti A., Popova A.V., Prinzing A., Pukinskaya L., Sallé A., Sam K., Sedikhin N.V., Shabarova T., Tack A.J.M., Thomas R., Thrikkadeeri K., Toma D., Vaicaityte G., van Halder I., Varela Z., Barbaro L., Castagneyrol B.
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Synchronous timing of return to breeding sites in a long-distance migratory seabird with ocean-scale variation in migration schedules (2024)

Movement ecology
van Bemmelen R.S.A., Moe B., Schekkerman H., Hansen S.A., Snell K.R.S., Humphreys E.M., Mäntylä E., Hallgrimsson G.T., Gilg O., Ehrich D., Calladine J., Hammer S., Harris S., Lang J., Vignisson S.R., Kolbeinsson Y., Nuotio K., Sillanpää M., Sittler B., Sokolov A., Klaassen R.H.G., Phillips R.A., Tulp I.
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))