Elina Lehtilä profile picture
Doctoral Researcher, English, Classics and Multilingual Translation Studies


Areas of expertise

language learning
speech production and perception
oral proficiency


I am a doctoral researcher at the Department of English at the University of Turku. I have two master’s degrees from the University of Turku, one in phonetics and one in English (from the Language Specialist Degree Programme). I am a member of the research group FlowLang and the AFinLA research network Speech and Spoken Language Research.

During 2021–2023, I worked as a project researcher in the project Fluency across Multilingual Speakers (MultiFluency), which is funded by The Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland. In autumn 2022, I worked as a salaried doctoral researcher in the Utuling doctoral programme. I have also worked as a project researcher in the project Fluency and Disfluency Features in L2 Speech (FDF2; funded by the Research Council of Finland) during 2020–2021.


In my doctoral dissertation I examine how first language speaking style and cross-linguistic differences affect multilingual speakers’ fluency across Finnish, Swedish, and English from the perspectives of perceived, utterance, and cognitive fluency. In August 2022, I received the Junior Researcher LAB (Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism) award for the most promising PhD project at the 31st Conference of the European Second Language Association (EuroSLA). My doctoral research has received funding from the Finnish Cultural Foundation.


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