Carolin Klonner profile picture
Postdoctoral Researcher, Geography
Sustainable Landscape Systems Research Group (, GreenPlace Project (

Areas of expertise

- participatory mapping
- urban landscape planning
- disaster management
- 3D participatory mapping
- climate change adaptation


I did my PhD at the GIScience group of the Heidelberg University (magna cum laude): "Participatory Geographic Information for Disaster Risk Reduction - Sketch Maps can Visualize Flood Risk Perception". I was part of the Waterproofing Data Project ( with a focus on flood related participatory mapping.

At the GIScience group, I continued working as a postdoctoral researcher in the LOKI project (, where I was part of developing participatory damage mapping of earthquakes.

I started the idea of a Sketch Map Tool during my PhD and within the Waterproofing Data Project. Now it is a global service maintained by the HeiGIT: It enables to visualize local knowledge in an efficient way and combines the advantages of analogue and digital participatory sketch mapping.


I'm teaching in the field of participatory mapping, citizen engagement and geoinformatics. I focus mostly on use cases within urban planning and disaster risk management.


In 2023, I started working as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Turku in the Sustainable Landscape Systems Research Group ( in the GreenPlace project ( I investigate the use of 3D participatory mapping in urban planning as well as how green urban infrastructure influences human well-being.