Areas of expertise
Currently, I am working as university teacher at the Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku. I am an educator and researcher with a long and extensive experience as qualified nurse teacher at the bachelor’s and master’s degree level at higher education institutions in Finland and Norway. I have worked in several health care education related research projects funded by the European Union, Academy of Finland, Nordplus and the Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland.
I am Associate Professor (part-time) at the Lovisenberg Diaconal University College, Oslo, Norway and member of the research group "Pedagogisk forskning med fokus på kompetanseutvikling og kvalitet i sykepleierutdanningen".
I am copyright holder of the Clinical Learning, Supervision and Nurse Teacher (CLES+T Scale) and coordinator for the international CLES (Clinical Learning Environment Scale) research network, chair of the Southwest Finland regional committee of the Society of Caring Science (HTTS r.y.) and Editorial Secretary for Tutkiva Hoitotyö (Finnish peer-reviewed journal).
Master level, teacher in course Theory of Nursing Science 1, 7 ECTS (Hoitotieteen teoria 1), 18.9.2023–present
Master level, teacher in course Research Seminar 2, 4 ECTS (Tutkimusseminaari 2), 20.9.2023–present
Master level, teacher in course Leadership and Management Training in Health and Social Care, 5 ECTS (Terveyden- ja sosiaalihuollon johtamisen harjoittelu), 11.9.2023–present
My main research interest is in clinical learning environment, learning outcomes of health care education, nurse competence, mobile technologies, and transition period of newly graduated nurses. I have expertise in intervention development as well as in RCT and mixed methods studies.