Asko Nivala profile picture
Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS)
Collegium Researcher, History and Archaelogy
Docent, School of History, Culture and Arts Studies
PhD, Docent


+358 29 450 2204
+358 50 472 9650
Arcanuminkuja 1

Areas of expertise

nineteenth-century Romanticism
philosophy of history
digital humanities


In 2015, I defended my doctoral dissertation at the Department of Cultural History, University of Turku. The theme of my dissertation was Friedrich Schlegel’s early Romantic philosophy of history. I spent the spring semester of 2017 as a visiting fellow in the Research Unit Historical Cultural Sciences in Mainz, Germany. In 2017–2022, I was a postdoctoral researcher with the project Romantic Cartographies. Lived and Imagined Space in English and German Romantic Texts, 1790–1840 (funding: TIAS, 2017–2019 and Academy of Finland, 2019–2022). In 2019, I was a visiting scholar in NULab for Texts, Maps, and Networks research centre (Northeastern University) and in 2020 at the Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung (Universität Stuttgart, Germany).


During my TIAS fellowship, I will concentrate mainly on research, but I do supervise three doctoral students and deliver guest lectures.


In 2022–2025, I will work in a senior researcher's position as a Collegium Fellow in Turku Institute for Advanced Studies with the project Artificial Intelligence Before Computers: The History of Romantic Computationalism ​​​​​​​(AICOM). Moreover, I will be the Principal Investigator in the research project Atlas of Finnish Literature 1870–1940 (Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden atlas 1870–1940, The Alfred Kordelin Foundation, Major cultural project grant 2022–2024).

My research focuses on nineteenth-century Romanticism in Germany, UK and USA. In 2015, I defended my doctoral dissertation on the themes of the Golden Age and the Kingdom of God in Friedrich Schlegel's early Romantic philosophy of history. A monograph based on that study was published with the title The Romantic Idea of the Golden Age in Friedrich Schlegel's Philosophy of History (New York: Routledge 2017). In addition, I have studied the spatiality of thought and concepts, on which I co-edited the book Travelling Notions of Culture in Early Nineteenth-Century Europe (New York: Routledge 2016) together with Hannu Salmi and Jukka Sarjala.

In my other publications and conference papers, I have studied metaphors, humour, games, cosmopolitanism and the grotesque during the age of Romanticism and in historiography in general. My other research interests include the theoretical discussion on digital humanities, posthumanism and new materialism. Related to this, I have co-authored the article "History and Virtual Topology: The Nineteenth-Century Press as Material Flow" (historein 7, no. 2, 2018).


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Topoi as a Memory Box (2014)

Kristina Müller-Bongard, Asko Nivala, Cathleen Sarti, Alexandra Schäfer
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli kokoomateoksessa (A3))