Professor, Psychology
Differentiating Drug-related and State-related Effects of Dexmedetomidine and Propofol on the Electroencephalogram (2018)
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Biological naturalism and biological realism (2018)
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli kokoomateoksessa (A3))Comparative effects of dexmedetomidine, propofol, sevoflurane, and S-ketamine on regional cerebral glucose metabolism in humans: a positron emission tomography study (2018)
British Journal of Anaesthesia
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Havainto ja unennäkö tajunnanilmiöinä (2018)
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))How You Measure Is What You Get: Differences in Self- and External Ratings of Emotional Experiences in Home Dreams (2017)
American Journal of Psychology
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Transcranial magnetic stimulation of early visual cortex suppresses conscious representations in a dichotomous manner without gradually decreasing their precision (2017)
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Foundations of consciousness (2017)
(Vertaisarvioitu tieteellinen erillisteos tai raportti (C1))TMS-EEG reveals hemispheric asymmetries in top-down influences of posterior intraparietal cortex on behavior and visual event-related potentials (2017)
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Early processing in primary visual cortex is necessary for conscious and unconscious vision while late processing is necessary only for conscious vision in neurologically healthy humans (2017)
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Different Electrophysiological Correlates of Visual Awareness for Detection and Identification (2017)
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
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