Annikka Immonen profile picture
Doctoral Researcher, History and Archaelogy
MA, Doctoral Student, Cultural History and European and World History
My topic is the Time and Agency of a person with neurocognitive disorders (NCDs)

Areas of expertise

Cultural History
Qualitative research
Neurocognitive disorders
Reminiscence Arts
Lean coaching


I am a doctoral candidate at the Doctoral Programme in History, Culture and Arts Studies (Juno). 

I have more than twenty years of experience in the area of social- and healthcare. I have become an expert in the treatment of individuals with neurocognitive disorders and I have also published primary textbooks on this topic. My broad range of professional experience centers around project management, Lean Coaching and leadership. I have been for several years a member of board of the Society for Memory Disorders Expertise in Finland (Suomen muistiasiantuntijat ry.). 


In my Ph.D. thesis I am studying how do social- and healthcare professionals define the time and the agency of the person with neurocognitive disorders. I investigate the changes in these conceptions from the 1980´s to the present day.

The research contributes to the multidisciplinary field of Medical Humanities, where it represents the qualitative research of the cultural history of illness.


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Ajatuksia historiasta sukupuolentutkimuksen kentällä (2011)

Naistutkimus - kvinnoforskning/sukupuolentutkimus - genusforskning
Aalto Ilana, Kaartinen Marjo, Konola Annikka, Lahtinen Anu, Leskelä-Kärki Maarit, Tuohela, Kirsi
(Vertaisarvioitu katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A2))